Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2003: Looking back suddenly

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Chu Shaoyang nodded, his eyes looking towards the direction of Shen Ning's disappearance.

Tuobazheng murmured: "Thousands, thousands of thousands, this name is really nice, it really is as human as its name, and there is no name more worthy of her than the two thousand words! Brother Chu, you Do you know where she is now? "

He eagerly grabbed Chu Shaoyang's wrist, making Chu Shaoyang, who wanted to go, had to stop and looked back at him.

"Brother Chu, if you know the whereabouts of Qian Qian, please tell me, I ... I have been thinking of her every day these days and I have seen her in my dreams! I ... I want her so bitter!"

Chu Shaoyang said: If you know that the person you are thinking about and thinking about is a man, will you still be thinking so hard?

But he didn't want to break through the true face of a thousand-faced son.

He shook his head: "I don't know where Qianqian girl is now. She was rescued by the mysterious person, thinking that the person will not harm her. The second prince and the emperor are not painful people. , One day you will see her again. "

Tuoba Zheng's eyes lit up suddenly and said, "Really? You also think that I have no fate with her. Will I see you again?"

Chu Shaoyang said: I just comfort you casually, where is it true? That man is the killer of Zixiaoge, and the killer does not blink. If I were you, I wish I would n’t see him in this life! Otherwise, when you meet, I am afraid that it will be your day of death.

It's just that he won't say it.

He patted Tuobazheng's shoulder and smiled: "Me and Ning'er were also in trouble. Once I thought I had lost her, I would never see her again in my life, but God opened his eyes and finally sent her back to me I ’m willing to get paid by my side, so the second prince, you will certainly be like me, and reunite with your sweetheart as soon as possible. "

Upon hearing this, Tuobazheng was overjoyed, holding Chu Shaoyang's hand with gratitude in his eyes.

"Brother Chu, you are really a good brother of Tuobazheng!" His heart was closer to Chu Shaoyang, and watching Chu Shaoyang was closer than his own brothers. .

Chu Shaoyang smiled faintly and said: "Brother Tuoba, the younger brother will go to find his wife, and she is out of company."

He was really helpless to Tuobazheng's straight rectum, so he changed his name. The two were called brothers and brothers, and they were very affectionate.

Tuobazheng chuckled a few times and waved his hand: "Go quickly, go quickly, Mrs. Sister is so beautiful. If you change me, you will also be like Brother Chu.

Let's say that Shen Ning walked through the sea and walked through a crowd of people to the noisy and lively streets.

Looking around, there is a scene of prosperity and prosperity.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, banners are displayed, there are jewelry pavilions, satin villages, and rouge shops, which have attracted the attention of countless women.

But Shen Ning was not interested in anything at all. She never liked these things.

Her gaze wandered at random, and landed on a rather deserted shop at the door, which was a shop selling four treasures of the study.

Anyway, nothing happens, just go in and see!

She inadvertently walked over to the shop. Suddenly, her back produced a strange feeling, as if it was burnt by something.

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