Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1998: Married a wife?

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Tuobazheng wanted to break his scalp and couldn't understand it. He decided to go back to his house and ask Pang Junshi.

Pang Junshi must be able to tell him the answer.

But after he returned to the house, he discovered that Pang Junshi actually left a letter to him. The content of the letter was very simple, saying that there was something wrong in the family, and he was going to take a month off.

Tuoba Zheng ripped the letter paper shattered and scolded.

Chu Shaoyang is going to stay with the bride as a relative, so one month off, which one of you, Master Pang, is going to leave! Could you go back to the country and marry a wife?

He sent angrily to call Master Pang, and the news was that Master Pang had left the county palace early in the morning, and left a message saying that he would come back after a month.

Tuobazheng was so angry and anxious that he kicked over several stools.

Without Master Pang, he is equivalent to missing a big think tank. He has a lot in his heart. With his IQ, he wants to fight Chu Shaoyang, and it is not worthy to bring shoes to others!

But the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he was. He was fooled like this, and he watched his sweetheart snatched away.

When I thought of the fairy girl that day fell in Chu Shaoyang's devil's claws, that Chu Chu's pitiful appearance, his heart made of refined steel turned into a finger-like softness, and he couldn't rush into Chu Shaoyang's house Grab people and hug them in your arms.

The girl who wanted to come must be staring at herself to save her?

That day in Chu Shaoyang's military account, he saw that the fairy girl was **** by Chu Shaoyang's five flowers to resemble a dumpling, shrunk in the corner of the tent, and looked at himself with a pair of pitiful big eyes. , Apparently let yourself save her out.

At a glance, he touched his heart, so that he could not care about turning around with Chu Shaoyang, and asked him for someone.

Unexpectedly, Chu Shaoyang promised very happily, but in a blink of an eye came a yin Fengyin violation, stole the beam and replaced the column, or stole the fairy girl that day and hid it, concealing his eyes and ears, and brought it back to Beijing.

The poor girl fell into the hands of Chu Shaoyang, she must be reluctant, the person she likes should be herself!

Even if she didn't like herself, if she rescued her from Chu Shaoyang's hands, she would love herself!

Maybe she will report it to herself just because she saved her!

When Tuobazheng thought of this, the blood all over his body was hot, and he couldn't sit still.

"Come here!"

He shouted loudly.

"You stare at Chu Shaoyang for me, no matter where he went or what he did, he must immediately report it to me!"

He sent all the guards around him to inquire about Chu Shaoyang.

Chu Shaoyang's Wang Mansion didn't dare to enter, but he didn't believe that Chu Shaoyang would hide in his house forever and hatch eggs. As soon as he went out, he would immediately receive the news.

Sure enough, on this day he received news from the guards that Chu Shaoyang took a fairy girl into the largest jade jade in Beijing, and packed the entire jade jade. enter.

As soon as Tuobazheng heard the words "celestial girl", his eyes widened, and his heart beat quickly.

This must be the beauties you think of in the night!

Wow, Chu Shaoyang, you finally showed her!

Very good, the prince will ask you to face the confrontation and ask why you have a set on the surface and a set on the back! Hit your face in public and rescue the girl!

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