Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1979: Never give orders

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Empress Zhou took a breath, eased her stiff and cold expression, and took a letter from her sleeve and handed it to Mochuan.

"Emperor, look at this."

Mo Chuan took the letter, opened it and looked at it. He glanced at ten lines and quickly read the entire letter, and he was stunned.

Empress Zhou put a faint smile on the corner of her mouth: "Emperor, what do you mean?"

Mo Chuan flicked the letter paper and said uncertainly: "Where did the letter come from, Mother? What is said on the letter is true?"

"Of course it's true, and it's true! This is a book written by the Northern Qi State Monarch, and there is also the Northern Qi State's imperial seal. Isn't this always a fake?" Empress Zhou smiled slightly.

Of course Mo Chuan could recognize the imperial seal of the Northern Qi Dynasty. It was precisely because of this that he could not believe it.

"But why did the monarch of the Northern Qi Dynasty make such a decision? Didn't he know that the son-in-law had already had a queen? How could he want to send a princess to marry the son-in-law? This is ridiculous!" Fall to the ground lightly.

Empress Zhou's face sank and shouted: "Who said ridiculous! This is obviously a big happy event! It is a big happy event that no one else can ask for! You picked up the letter to the Ai Family!"

Mo Chuan stood upright, without bending his waist, and said coldly: "Children already have a queen, a marriage move, please ask your mother to find someone else!"

"Damn it!" Empress Zhou was furious and pointed at Mo Chuan: "You dare to say such a big injustice, don't kneel down for me!"

"The mother-in-law, the son-in-law did not make a mistake, please forgive the son-in-law for not giving orders from the mother."

Empress Zhou shivered with anger, she stared at Mo Chuan, and Mo Chuan looked back at her without showing any weakness.

After a while, Empress Zhou's anger slowly condensed, like a victorious cockfight retracting the blown feathers, and a calm expression returned to her face.

This calm expression is more profound and unpredictable than her under the wrath, which makes Mo Chuan's heart sigh.

Empress Zhou looked at Mo Chuan, her eyes were full of pain, and slowly said: "Emperor, do you think that Ai Jia made this decision to make you marry Princess Beiqi for yourself? Ai Jia is for us Xichu!"

Mo Chuan stood upright, did not speak, his lips squeezed tightly.

He has made up his mind, no matter how persuaded the Queen Mother Zhou, he will not agree anyway!

Empress Zhou took a deep breath and said seriously: "Among the four kingdoms, our Xi Chu is the weakest. Since the defeat of the first imperial soldiers, we have been exiled. The tribute has emptied our Xi Chu's national strength for more than half. Anyway, let alone the Eastern Qin Kingdom staring at us, the South Vietnamese nation is also ready to go, and we are ready to annex us at any time! This time, South Vietnam sent a hundred thousand troops, which was supposed to be won, but suffered a big defeat, the South Vietnamese emperor Would it not be good to give up? He will send troops again and make a comeback, how will you respond to the enemy at that time? Do you still expect to descend from heaven to help the enemy? "

Mo Chuan still didn't speak, but his hands clenched into fists, because the words and sentences spoken by Empress Zhou all struck in the bottom of his heart like a heavy hammer, which was exactly what he had no time or worry about during this time.

"South Vietnam sent troops again, and East Qin will definitely not let South Vietnam swallow the fat of our West Chu alone. It is very possible that they will take advantage of the situation and attack together with South Vietnam. When the time comes, we will be attacked from the back. Can you think of how to deal with it?"

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