Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1977: Exchange messages

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Su Jin also exited the door and took the door carefully.

She saw Xiao Si looking at the brain outside the door with a probe, and glared at him: "The little monkey, the emperor, talking to the empress dowager, she can also eavesdrop! Not far away!"

Little Four stretched out his tongue, approached with a smile, and asked, "Aunt Su Jin, do you know what the empress dowager wants to say to the emperor? The minions see the happy face of the empress dowager, afraid they might have something to tell the emperor? "

Su Jin patted his head with impatience and shouted, "Have you been in the palace for so many years, have you even forgotten the rules? How can our slaves inquire about the affairs of the masters! How far are you obedient to me?" How far away! "

Xiao Si narrowed his neck and smiled in a low voice: "Aunt Su Jin, if you tell me, I will also tell you good news."

"What good news?" Su Jin asked with curiosity and lowering her voice.

"Aunt Su Jin said first, I will tell my aunt when I say that." Xiao Si sold a pass.

"Bah, little monkey boy, don't tell me, I don't know very much."

"Aunt Su Jin, if you know the news, you will be very happy."

Su Jin's curiosity was hooked again, and asked: "Don't talk about it, what is the good news?"

Xiao Si smiled and said, "Did you not find that the emperor looks good today?"

Su Jin thought that this was the case, and a thought flashed in her heart, and she blurted out: "Is there any news from the Queen Mother?"

"Hush! Aunt Su Jin, this is what you said, not what I said. If the emperor knows it, it has nothing to do with me!" Xiao Si said hurriedly.

Su Jin knew that she was right when she heard it. She was surprised and happy, grabbed Xiao Si and pulled it to no one.

"Primary 4, you know what you know, tell me quickly!"

"I knew the news. I asked your aunt to guess it before I even said it. I really don't know anything else."

Su Jin couldn't help but slapped a slap in the back of his head, and said: "You dare to talk without knowing anything!"

Little Four stretched out his tongue and said: "Aunt, my good news has been told to you, please tell me soon, what is the happy event of the queen mother? The minions also want to like the emperor."

Su Jin said in a deep voice: "It's hard to say whether this is a happy event. I'm afraid that after the emperor heard it, I don't like it or worry about it."

Little Four is a big surprise and asked, "What the **** is this?"

Su Jin sighed, but shook his head without answering. His face was mixed, and he looked confused.

No matter how he asked, Su Jin never spoke again.

Inside the study room.

Empress Zhou looked at her son, her lips moved, and was about to speak, but Mo Chuan said first:

"Mom, the son wants to tell you a message."

"Oh, what news?"

Mo Chuan didn't answer, picked up the secret message sent by the county magistrate and handed it to Empress Zhou.

Empress Zhou took a few glances and couldn't help moving.

"Chu Shaoyang is so brave! He actually dared to stay in the territory of Xi Chu and dared to make such bold things. Is it too much of his own life to do this? Emperor, you quickly send People go to catch him! "She repeated the secret report on the table case, her face full of anger.

"Don't worry about the mother, please take a closer look, another person is mentioned in the secret report." Mo Chuan said.

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