Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1963: Let you die

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"Ning'er, what are you still hesitating? Don't you want to go with me? Or are you ... reluctant to brother?" Chu Shaobai stared at her.


Shen Ning's lips moved slightly, but he was speechless.

She has always wanted to get rid of Chu Shaoyang, but she never thought of it this way, especially when she saw Chu Shaoyang's eyes, her heart was shocked.

Those eyes were full of anger, sadness, and despair. It was no longer like a pair of eyes, but like a desperate look of a wounded beast.

"Chu Shaobai, I will give you one last chance. If you let go of her, I will spare you!"

Chu Shaoyang's gaze fixed on Chu Shaobai's face like an eagle falcon, and said word by word.

If his eyes can kill, I believe Chu Shaobai has been slashed by his eyes.

Chu Shaobai said with a sneer: "Third Brother, you have already been touched by my acupuncture point. What bluff do you say? I will take her away in front of you so that you will never find her! Ning'er, let's go! "

He pulled hard, but Shen Ning couldn't stand. She didn't know why, and the contradiction was extremely extreme.

"If you like the third brother, you will stay, I will not force you!" Chu Shaobai seemed to see through her mind.

"No, I'll go with you." Shen Ning no longer hesitated, said resolutely.

The light in Chu Shaoyang's eyes suddenly dimmed and became desperate.

"Ning'er!" He looked at Shen Ning's back without looking back, and could not help but let out an angry and desperate roar.

"Chu Shaobai, you'd better not let me find you in your life, otherwise, I will definitely make you worse than life!"

She had been away for a long time, and Shen Ning seemed to hear Chu Shaoyang's roar, her back could not help shaking, and shivered.

"Ning'er, are you cold? Put on this." Chu Shaobai took out the cloak he had prepared for a long time, put it on her shoulders, and then dragged her to continue on.

"Where are you going to take me?" Shen Ning tightened his cloak, still holding the burning stick in the other hand.

She found that Chu Shaobai took her higher and higher, actually walking towards the top of the mountain.

"You will know when you arrive." Chu Shaobai suddenly noticed the coldness in her palm, turned her head, and noticed the burning stick in her hand.

"Ning'er, what do you do with such a stick, throw it away."

Shen Ning shook his head: "No."

"Can it be what a baby is this?" Chu Shaobai curiously said: "Can you show me?"

Shen Ning handed him the burning stick.

"Huh, it's so heavy, so cold!" Chu Shaobai held the burning stick and glanced at it with a faint moonlight. Suddenly, his face changed and he shouted, "No, my third brother catches up." Now! "

"Chu Shaoyang?" Shen Ning turned his head back in shock, and sure enough he saw a very dark spot moving very fast.

"I didn't expect my third brother to use his internal force to break open the acupuncture point, but this kung fu was extremely domineering. Although he was able to unlock the acupuncture point, at least he had to damage a small half of his skill. If you lose your skills, you will be chased back. "

Chu Shaobai pulled Shen Ning to climb to the top of the mountain quickly, and said without looking back.

Shen Ning was speechless.

Lose half of your skill? Chu Shaoyang was really cruel to himself!

It is important to know that those who practice martial arts care most about internal force.

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