Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1956: Hit your own mouth

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why! Why should she blame herself for the death of two maids?

What did you do wrong?

"Chu Shaoyang, if you still want to kill, just kill me." Suddenly, a sound of Shen Ning came from the carriage, which was clear and cold, like ice falling to the ground.

She lifted the car curtain and walked out of the carriage, still wearing the man's coarse cloth shirt, and the soot on her face was not washed away.

But as soon as she saw her, Chu Shaoyang's murderous heart suddenly softened.

what happened to him?

After a lot of hard work, she finally got her back to his side again. Hasn't he already vowed to treat her well? He also said that he would never do anything against her mind in this life, but it was less than a day after this sentence, he slapped his mouth hard!

She didn't like him killing people, then he didn't kill, but it was just a ants like ants, so why not leave them alive? Why make her angry and angry?

Chu Shaoyang leapt from her horse to her side, and she raised her eyes without fear, and looked at him coldly, her eyes so cold that she didn't have any emotion.

"Ning'er, I ..." Chu Shaoyang's lips moved.

"Aren't you going to kill someone? I'm here, you do it." She sneered.

Chu Shaoyang gritted his teeth. He was still struggling to fight his pride. He had never bowed his head to others in his life.

Especially in front of Chu Shaobai, the word of apology came to his mouth, but he said nothing.

"Chu Shaobai, can you get away! I have something to say to Ning'er!" He suddenly raised his head and yelled at Chu Shaobai with a loud voice.

Chu Shaobai was stunned, and looked at Chu Shaoyang's blushing face, as if guessing something.

He jumped off the carriage without saying a word, avoiding it from a distance.

"Ning'er, me, me, me ..."

Chu Shaoyang's tongue was knotted and his face flushed again. Although Chu Shaobai had left, he couldn't tell.

"You don't need to say anything, I don't want to listen." Shen Ning gave him a cold look, turned around and walked into the carriage.

"I'm wrong!"

Chu Shaoyang was anxious and blurted out. He took her by the arm and said, "Ning'er, it's my fault. It's all my fault. I shouldn't shoot indiscriminately to kill people, and I shouldn't go wrong again and again. Don't you I'm mad, okay? "

This was probably the first time in his life that he whispered to others, but the apology was that the first sentence was difficult to export. Once he said it, he felt relieved.

Shen Ning did not look back, but just said coldly: "You let me go."

"I won't let go!" Chu Shaoyang said stubbornly: "If you don't forgive me, I will never let you go."

Shen Ning sneered: "You want me to forgive you? Chu Shaoyang, until now you don't know what mistake you made. The person you need to forgive is not me at all, but the two tragic deaths are in your hands. Ma'am! You should apologize to them, but unfortunately, they can't accept your apology! If you kill someone, can you just say it with an apology? And the people in the city, where are they offended? You? When you say you set fire, you set fire, and when you burn the house, you burn ... How are you so cruel! "

She turned back bitterly, staring hard at Chu Shaoyang, her eyes full of anger.

Chu Shaoyang's heart hurt fiercely and shouted: "I just scared them. I just wanted to use this method to force you out. Do you really think I'm such a cold-hearted person?"

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