Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The county magistrate looked down on Chu Shaoyang's eyes, and saw a man with soot on his face and wearing a thick coat and clothed shirt, but his voice was cold and bone-filled, which was very pleasant.

"Ning'er, are you Ning'er?"

Chu Shaoyang murmured, looking at Shen Ning in disbelief, almost unable to recognize it.

If it weren't for her voice, he heard it so well that he couldn't believe it was her!

Even if he walked past him face to face, he wouldn't recognize it.

Then, he was so angry and funny. No wonder he couldn't find it like a blind man. Who would have thought that this girl actually turned herself into a dirty boy?

"Yes, it's me. Don't you have to find me three feet in the ground? Now that I've caught myself in the net, can you spare these innocent people?" Shen Ning was expressionless and cold.

She doesn't want to look at Chu Shaoyang again now.

Chu Shaoyang felt a sudden pain in his heart, which made his familiar expression of pain and pain appear on her face again.

He gritted his teeth and threw the magistrate away, the magistrate yelled in the air, and the officials rushed over to try to catch the magistrate, but there was no time for that magistrate. He fell to the ground.

"Ah, my **** fell into four petals!" The magistrate cried out.

The officials were busy and helped him up. One of the officials was curious and wondered what it looked like when the **** fell into four petals. He boldly touched the **** of the county grandfather. , I think it seems to be two petals.

"Quickly! Seize the rebel Chu Shaoyang, reward!" The county magistrate escaped from the dead and returned to his own, and suddenly became powerful again.

The official officers waved their weapons to Chu Shaoyang again.

Chu Shaoyang finally found Shen Ning, unwilling to stay here more, he stood up, jumped on horseback, and at the same time stretched his arms, wrapped around Shen Ning's waist, carried her on horseback, legs one Clamp, the horse rushed forward like an arrow from a string.

"Stop me, die!"

Chu Shaoyang gave a stern drink.

There was a chaos in the crowd, and the people dodge to both sides, no one dared to block their front, the horse was fast and fast, how dare they stop it.

"Chu Shaoyang escaped!"

"Chu Shaoyang escaped!"

Chu Shaoyang was riding a BMW of thousands of choices. Where did their two legs run over four legs, and were suddenly left behind.

The official officers yelled and waved their weapons to catch up, but they ate the dust raised by the horseshoe.

Chu Shaoyang heard their shouts, burst into rage, and suddenly strangled the horse's head, pulled it around, and rushed toward the officials.

"Who said you escaped?" He shouted, only to scare the officials and turned around and ran violently, wishing the father and mother gave them a few more legs.

Chu Shaoyang strangled the horse and laughed when he saw the official messengers fled in embarrassment.

Shen Ning said coldly: "Are you bully with bullying?"

Chu Shaoyang's smug laughter came to an abrupt end, as if cold water was splashed on his head.

He lowered his head to look at Shen Ning, and saw that her beautiful face, which was crystal-like and jade-like, was covered with soot, and she could hardly see her original face, only her eyes were still as black and clear as usual.

"Yes, there is really nothing to be proud of."

He sighed in a low voice with a pinch in his legs, and allowed the horse to move on, but it slowed down.

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