Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1951: Who can be miserable than him

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Hearing Chu Shaoyang's threat, Shen Ning's lungs were exploding.

She was countless, but she did n’t even think that Chu Shaoyang actually wanted to use this shameless trick!

I have to say that his method is so wonderful that she has to show up.

Because she was sure, Chu Shaoyang was definitely not intimidating in his mouth. If he didn't show up within half a scent of incense, he would really burn the town to the ground with a fire without any mercy!

Although Shen Ning and Chu Shaoyang had been in contact for a short time, he had long seen that he was a ruthless person. Except for the person he cared about, the lives of others were like grass and mustard in his eyes. Can he kill him for no reason? Two maidservants, so what is the life of the people in this city in his eyes?

"Brother, do you know what you are talking about! If Ning'er refuses to show up, do you really want to set fire?"

Chu Shaobai couldn't bear it anymore, and he couldn't imagine how the third brother came up with this!

Chu Shaoyang said with a blank expression: "Not bad!"

"Brother, are you crazy? How come you come up with such a ridiculous idea, do you think that using this method will force you to show up? You are wrong and wrong! You just make her hate you more, Despise you, stay away from you! "Chu Shao screamed in anger.

Chu Shaoyang said coldly: "In addition to this method, can you think of a better way to come out? If she does not care about the lives of the people in the city, then she need not show up."

"But Brother 3, have you ever thought that Ning'er may not be in the city at all! If she is not here, she will not hear your threats, and she will not show up naturally, wouldn't you want to burn the city? Innocent people? "

"It's just a group of ants like ants. If you die, what's the deal? Do you know how much the Nanyue soldiers were burnt to death and how many were drowned after the fire in Yuezhou City? To ten thousand people! A total of ninety thousand people have been damaged! "

Chu Shaobai's expression on his face was distressed. He couldn't help but blurted out: "Third brother, you forgot your surname Chu! You are the prince of Xi Chu! You have the blood of the father emperor! These people They are all the people of Xichu and your people? Why do you compare them with Nanyue soldiers! Do the emperors of Nanyue make you king of Chu, do you really forget that you are from Xichu! You, You forgot your book! "

Chu Shaoyang sternly said: "You less teach me with those sounding grand principles, what qualifications do you have to say me! You say that I am from the West Chu? They are my people? I bah! They are Chu Mochuan My people! And my righteous prince Xi Chu is not even **** in their eyes! When Chu Mochuan wronged me and put me in prison, where were you? You are my brother, do you have any? Stand up and say a word? Justify an injustice for me? At that time, all the princes and ministers who had made good with me were not exposed at all. All were busy to please Chu Mo Chuanba, at that time I was singing all around, waiting for my only way to be cut off my head! If it was not for me to escape in time, where is there Chu Shaoyang in this world! Chu Shaobai, when you are talking about these principles, think about how miserable I was at the beginning! "

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