Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1948: Treat people as nothing

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Chu Shaobai looked at the servants who were severely wounded by the third brother, and he couldn't help shaking his head. If he hadn't stopped himself in time just now, these people might become the dead souls of the third brother.

He threw a piece of gold and threw it at the head of the government, saying, "Take care of it!"

After he finished, he jumped on the horse and galloped toward the west.

Everyone saw that Chu Shaoyang and Chu Shaobai had left one after another. This was like Meng Amnesty. They hurried forward and sent several seriously wounded bureaucrats to the hospital for treatment. He carried it out and buried it.

In a busy mess, no one noticed Shen Ning, the little guy in the room, and no one even came to ask her a word.

Shen Ning was not in a hurry to leave this town. She knew that Chu Shaoyang and Chu Shaobai could not find her, they would definitely look around, and they might return to the city again.

They are likely to search this small town again. There is only one place they will never search, that is this inn.

So she stayed here, but the safest place.

This night she found a place in the fire room, covered with straw, and slept peacefully.

Although she slept on straw, she slept more sweetly than on the soft mattress made of embroidered silk and made her feel more at ease.

The next morning, she got up early and worked with the guys in the room.

She didn't wash off the soot on her face, and it was mixed in the crowd. Actually, she didn't arouse anyone's suspicion. The main reason was that everyone was frightened by yesterday's events.

As expected by Shen Ning, at noon, there was a sudden clamor on the street again. A fast horse was flying from west to east, only to frighten the people on both sides of the street to dodge. Guanyu, but with a sense of shame between the eyebrows, makes people feel terrified at first sight.

Chu Shaoyang came out of the city from the east gate yesterday and ran out of a hundred miles in one breath, but did not find Shen Ning ’s whereabouts. He thought that she was a girl after all. No matter how good she was, she was far from herself. If she was really Walked out of the city along this road, then he had already caught up with her.

Now that she hasn't found it, it means that she did not go this way, or that she did not continue to go after she left the city, but found a place to hide.

Chu Shaoyang stopped riding horses and started searching lightly in the surrounding area for a long time. He searched for a whole night, even without eyes closed, but found nothing.

Maybe she was going west!

That was Chu Shaobai's direction to find her. What if Chu Shaobai found her but took her far away from her?

Chu Shaoyang burst into a sudden heart, jumped on the horse at the moment, returned to the city again, and then prepared to chase west.

When the people in the city saw him, they all knew that he was the murderer who was making a lot of noise yesterday. They were afraid and frightened. They avoided fear, and some even rushed to the Yamen to report to the official, and let the official come. Catch him.

Chu Shaoyang didn't take a glance at the people around him. He didn't take officials' eyes seriously. When the crowds on the streets seemed to have nothing, the horses galloped, and several pedestrians were too late to dodge and were kicked by horseshoes.

He was running between the races, heading over to ride a fast horse, and immediately the young boy fluttering in white, it was Chu Shaobai.

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