Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1941: He is sturdy

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"Ning'er, what's wrong with you, but it's just that the two girls have died. They aren't close to you, but they have only served you for a day. There is no sense of affection. You actually talked to me for these two girls?" "

"It's the reason why you kill someone casually?" Shen Ning said angrily.

Chu Shaoyang's brows tightened even more: "Of course I wouldn't kill them for no reason. When they saw the things in the bag, they already became greedy. Keeping them in this world will only hurt you. , But wherever there is a little danger to you, I have to uproot the roots without leaving the grass. Ning'er, you wo n’t blame me for being too ruthless for these two greedy money girls? You know that the money is moving, today I do n’t Killing them, they will hurt you sooner or later, so I definitely leave them alone. "

After listening to his explanation, Shen Ning's anger and hatred not only did not disappear, but became stronger.

Her cold eyes made Chu Shaoyang feel cold in her heart.

He nervously grabbed her wrist and cried, "Ning'er, I killed them all to protect you, you can't be angry with me!"

At this time he suddenly discovered that he was really afraid of her, that she would ignore her, and be cold to herself.

"Protect me? I think you are to protect yourself." Shen Ning smiled coldly without looking at Chu Shaoyang, pointing at the door: "You go out, I don't want to see you again!"

Chu Shaoyang's heart sank to the bottom of the icy lake, and his face became pale, his eyes dark, and he looked at her instantly.

"Are you going to drive me away?" He said astringently.

Shen Ning did not speak, but turned around and ignored him.

"Ning'er, what I want to tell you, kill them, I don't regret it at all, because I want to protect you from being hurt a little bit! You're mad at me, not mad at me, I Still only this sentence! "

Chu Shaoyang lifted his chin, let go of her wrist, and turned and strode out.

It was only the moment he stepped out of the door that his heart began to violently ache.

But he did not want to go back and apologize to her, because he felt that he had done nothing wrong, but he killed two girls, and it was no big deal at all. She just accused him of these two girls, he couldn't stand it!

He is also proud and conceited. Although he loves her, he cannot lose heart because of love, otherwise he will look down on himself!

"Wait a minute!"

Shen Ning's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Chu Shaoyang's footsteps could not help but turned around and looked at her expectantly.

She finally figured it out? Want to chase yourself back?

Shen Ning appeared at the door of the room with no cold smile on her face, throwing the big bag full of rare treasures out of the door, coldly said: "Leave these dirty things with you, I Never want to see you again. "

She turned back into the room and slammed the door shut.

Chu Shaoyang's anger is different, he rushed to the door with one arrow, clenched his fists, and wished he could smash the door with one punch.

But when his finger first touched the door panel, he paused.

His chest swelled up and down violently, filled with rage, and almost suffocated him.

No, he must find a place to vent, otherwise he must be mad at this girl.

He rushed out of the inn without looking back. At the door of the inn, he collided with Chu Shaobai who was flying back.

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