Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Ning'er, you let go, let me come!"

Chu Shaoyang can make her a girl's family do such rough work, especially if she is still her sweetheart. The wind and the sun will make him feel heartache.

"You stand there for me, don't come over or help!"

Shen Ning said without lifting her head, she had a momentum in her tone and shocked Chu Shaoyang.

Standing there, he looked at Shen Ning in amazement, working with ease. Those things that he didn't know what to do in her hand were like turning decay into magic, all of which were useful.

She moved fast, and within a tea time, a tent was laid.

Chu Shaoyang hadn't recovered yet, and Shen Ning started to set up a second tent.

Although she was sleeping, she didn't want to squeeze in the same tent as Chu Shaoyang.

Soon, the two tents appeared like two small yurts in front of Chu Shaoyang. The two tents were about ten meters apart, and they were far apart.

"Ning'er, I really can't see that you have such skills." Chu Shaoyang couldn't help but praise.

He walked around the tent twice, and found that both tents were extremely strong, and he sighed.

"It's a matter of skill, but it's just a tent. Right, you go to the forest in front to see some game and come back. There is a mountain spring over there. I'll wash my hands."

Shen Ning casually said, then clapped his hands and stood up, walking towards the mountain spring.

Chu Shaoyang froze again.

He had never heard her speak to herself in this approachable tone. If she changed her tone slightly, it would definitely make him angry.

Thinking of who he was, Chu Shaoyang was the prince's nobleman since he was born. Only he had ordered others to be sent by others!

But he was sent by her, but he was very happy.

He smiled slightly, glanced at Shen Ning's back again, and then ran towards the forest in front.

He was not good at setting up tents, but hunting was a good hand. Soon, he found the whereabouts of hares in the forest, picked up a few stones, hit a few hares, and then picked up the hare in the spring. Only handed it to her.

"This forest is very small, there are no big prey, only a few rabbits." He said with regret, while looking at her intently.

Shen Ninggang just washed his face, one face was clear and white, and the face was covered with crystal drops of water, just like a white furu just out of the water, only he could not move his eyes.

"Can you carry a dagger on you?" She asked, not picking up the rabbit.

"Daggers are not there, can soft swords be?"


Chu Shaoyang pulled out the soft snake sword from his waist, handed it to her, and at the same time looked at her suspiciously, not knowing what she wanted the sword to do.

Shen Ning glanced at the soft sword and frowned, "This sword is too soft, I won't use it, let's do it."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Of course, the rabbit is washed and peeled. You can't eat it together with the skin?" Shen Ning gave him a scornful look.

Sure enough, it is the prince who does not touch the spring water in both hands! Life idiot!

She muttered in her stomach.

Chu Shaoyang Jun blushed, walked to the water with the rabbit, cut off the rabbit's head with a sword, and then peeled off the rabbit skin and washed with water.

While cleaning the room, he suddenly heard Shen Ning said: "Can the internal organs be hollowed out?"

He was stunned, and just wanted to ask: Still need to hollow out the internal organs?

Thinking about it for a while, she still didn't ask. Asking it would only make her despise herself even more.

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