Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1922: Princess of which door

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"I said it long ago, and I don't remember anything. If you don't tell me, what else can I know?" Shen Ning said angrily.

Chu Shaoyang thought for a while and said, "Well, let me tell you that there are four countries in the world, namely East Qin, West Chu, South Vietnam and North Qi. This is the land of West Chu ..."

He briefly described the situation of the four kingdoms. Before that, South Vietnam did not conceal Xi Xi ’s ambitions and gazes.

"It turns out that this is the case. Do you mean that I am from Xichu and you are not, then from which country are you from?" Shen Ning suddenly realized.

"Ning'er, although your adoptive parents are from the Western Chu Kingdom, your biological parents are not necessarily from the Western Chu Kingdom, but this is not important. What is important is my true identity."

"What is your true identity?" Shen Ning opened his eyes and looked at him.

"I'm from South Vietnam and was named King of Chu in the South Vietnamese country." Chu Shaoyang said quietly.

"King Chu of South Vietnam? You are a prince? No wonder you are so rich. But why did you a lord of South Vietnam come to West Chu? Did n’t you say that South Vietnam and West Chu are at war? I ’m not afraid that the Xichu people will discover your identity as the prince of Nanyue and grab you like a spy? Oh, your skills are so good, they ca n’t catch you. ”Shen Ning laughed.

In her heart, she did not think that the prince was a great identity. Even if he was an emperor, it was still the same in her heart. He was still Chu Shaoyang.

Chu Shaoyang looked at her in amazement. Her reaction was far beyond his expectation. He thought she would be pleasantly surprised and shocked. At least it should not be as calm as it is now.

Isn't her status not attractive to her at all?

"Ning'er, you are now my wife, that is, the princess. Your position is high and respected by the world, so you must follow me back to South Vietnam." He stared at her.

"Princess?" Shen Ning could not help but chuckled, "Which kind of princess am I? Chu Shaoyang, I don't care who you are, whether you are from Xichu, or from Nanyue, beggars, emperors or princes, It ’s the same in my heart, no difference. "

Chu Shaoyang couldn't help getting angry, staring at her and saying, "Don't you care about my identity at all?"

"What does it matter? No matter who you are, you have two eyes and one nose. You have to eat and drink and sleep like ordinary people. You can't do anything without it. Is there any difference between an emperor and a beggar?"

"Of course there is a difference. If you are married to a beggar and be your wife, how can you live a life of dominance? Don't you like to live a life of supremacy?"

Shen Ning smiled and said, "I don't even care what people are good or bad people. As long as the person I like is a beggar, I don't mind. Don't look down on the beggar. In my eyes, beggars are better than others. The emperor lived much happier, and the beggars were free to go wherever they wanted. The world would let him travel, but what about the emperor? He was tied to that dragon chair all day long, and he could n’t go anywhere except for criticizing. It's just criticism, like walking dead, even if you eat big fish and meat every day, and wear silk satin, there is nothing to be happy. Therefore, I don't want to be a princess in the South Vietnamese country. I would rather stay here and live in a relaxed life. "

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