Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1916: Only one chance

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Chu Shaobai interrupted him and said coldly: "Restart? How do you start again? How dare you guarantee that you will not lose her in the future? Will you marry another woman?"

Chu Shaoyang didn't seem to express the irony in his tone at all, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, saying in a word: "I will love her more than before, pity her, pity her, I will let her become The happiest girl in the world! "

He was sincere and sincere, and anyone who read it would not doubt his sincerity.

But Chu Shaobai remembered his previous negative heart and bountifulness, and remembered Shen Biyun, who was held in his palm to pamper and pity, and was suddenly abandoned by him.

"Brother, what you said is better than singing, if one day you lose her again, how are you going?" He said, staring closely at Chu Shaoyang's eyes.

"If I lose her, I'll be told that Chu Shaoyang will be thundered by the sky, and the ten thousand robbers can't be superborn!" Chu Shaoyang raised his right palm and solemnly took the oath.

Chu Shaobai couldn't help but take a breath. It seems that the third brother wasn't just talking, he was determined to keep this secret forever.

But what about myself? What should I do? Do you really believe in the sincerity of Sange and help Sange keep this secret together?

He was inconsistent in his heart.

"Shaobai, you still doubt my intentions towards her? For her, I can die! She shot me with a hidden weapon, almost killing me, but I don't hate her at all, nor complain about her. , I just want to treat her well and make up for everything I owe her, I just want a chance to start again with her! "

Chu Shaoyang suddenly opened the chest and exposed the wound that had not yet healed completely.

Although Shen Ning's shot didn't kill him, he also caused him serious injuries. In addition, he didn't take a good rest after he was injured. The wound was already inflamed and swollen, and it looked terrible.

"Third Brother! Why ... you hurt so badly? This ... this really hurts Ning'er? She doesn't know how to use martial arts. What weapon will she use to cause you such a terrible wound? I don't believe it. She can't have such a skill at all! "

Chu Shaobai looked at the wound, distressed and doubtful.

"It's a very weird hidden weapon, I have never seen it, but this is indeed what she left on me, this wound will be on me for a lifetime, and it will never disappear, just like she is in my In my heart, no one can wipe her from my heart. "Chu Shaoyang looked down at the wound on his chest without anger on his face, but instead showed a sweet smile.

Chu Shaobai was shocked in the chest.

The third brother said the natural extreme, which shows that in his heart, he has loved her to the extreme, even if she died for her, there is no complaint.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little admiration for Chu Shaoyang.

He sighed lowly, took Jin Chuang Yao from his arms, and stepped forward.

"Third brother, younger brother has excellent gold medicine here. If your wound hasn't healed yet, let the younger brother apply the medicine to you."

Chu Shaoyang stood straight up there, and said firmly: "Shaobai, I don't care what wounds are not wounds, what I care about, you should be very clear."

"Yes, I know." Chu Shaobai whispered: "I'll bandage your wound first, wait for me to tell you slowly."

He applied Chu Shaoyang's gold medicaments, wrapped his wounds again, and then let out a breath.

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