Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1914: Treat him like a fool

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"You!" Chu Shaobai's handsome face instantly turned red, and he stared at Chu Shaoyang. He never expected that he would say such a word.

Fortunately, he is also preparing to let go of the mustard in his heart, put down his prejudice to the third brother, ready to help the third brother.

But the third brother still refuses to tell the truth to himself until now.

He turned away and left without looking back.

He was afraid that if he stayed again, he would not be able to help his brother.

"Shaobai, you stop!" Chu Shaoyang leaned forward and fell in front of Chu Shaobai, blocking his way.

"Third Brother, don't you imprison Ning'er alone, do you even have to imprison the younger brother together?" Chu Shaobai said coldly.

Chu Shaoyang's calm face: "Do you think I'm lying to you? No, I'm telling the truth."

He began to narrate the course of events, starting from the day of the fire in Yuezhou City. He said that he found Shen Ning ’s whereabouts, and then traced it all the way, but was seriously injured by her on the top of the mountain. After his death, he thought that Shen Ning was killed by Zixiaoge ’s killer, and wanted to destroy Zixiaoge ’s revenge for Ning'er, but when he was about to succeed, the killer was rescued by a mysterious man, and how did he jump On the carriage, he ran wildly, but found the sleepy Ning'er in the carriage, and he pulled it out.

He spoke very quickly, but the words were clear.

Chu Shaobai was stunned, frowning, puzzled.

Like Chu Shaoyang, he couldn't understand how Shen Ning appeared in the killer's carriage. If the killer wanted to kill Ning'er, it would be easy. But why didn't he do it? Why does Ning'er fall into a coma?

"You mean, when you found Ning'er, she was already in a coma? When she woke up, she forgot all the things she had done before? Brother, your story is very well composed. , But want to deceive me into believing, did you treat me like Chu Shaobai as a fool? "Chu Shaobai sneered.

"I didn't lie to you! Shaobai, everything I said is true! If you don't believe me, you can look at this!"

Chu Shaoyang took a crumpled paper from his arms and handed it to Chu Shaobai.

"What is this?" Chu Shaobai took it, frowning.

"After you read it, you know what I said is true."

Chu Shaobai settled down, opened the note, and quickly looked at it.

With only one glance, he was shocked and his face was shocked.

"Third Brother, this ... is this true? Who is the person who wrote this note? Why did he give Ning'er a forgetting pill? No wonder Ning'er will forget everything before, it turns out to be the case!"

Chu Shaoyang shook his head and said, "I don't know who this person is. I only know that his whereabouts are extremely mysterious, and his martial arts are also extremely high. From beginning to end, this person hid in the woods without showing up. I do n’t know if it ’s a woman or an old child. I am only thankful that this person is a friend of the enemy, otherwise he would take my life easily. ”

Chu Shaobai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and didn't believe in authenticity: "Is there really such a strong man in martial arts in this world? Brother, your martial arts are not weak anymore. Even if he is a little higher than you, will he not be so strong? "

"There is a sky outside, there are people outside, I used to refuse to be convinced. Until I met this mysterious person, I was convinced of this sentence." Chu Shaoyang said quietly.

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