Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1898: I am, Xiaobai

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Yue Hua was like water, and shone lightly on his face, as if covered with a layer of light feather tulle, and his facial features were surprisingly beautiful and beautiful.

He stood there quietly, but he had a noble and elegant atmosphere.

"Ning'er, do you really don't remember me, or do you deliberately pretend not to remember me? There are no outsiders here, would you continue to pretend?"

The young boy in white stared at her, and there was a bit of pain in his eyes, which made Shen Ning even more certain that he must know his former self.

She met his gaze and said calmly: "I was sick, and after waking up, I forgot all the previous things. I don't remember Chu Shaoyang, let alone you. If I knew you before, That ’s the same thing as before. Now I do n’t know anything about it. If you are willing to tell me about it, I will listen to it. If you do n’t want to say it, I wo n’t ask. ”

The young man's eyes widened slightly and lost his voice: "You really forgot all? Don't remember anything?"

Shen Ning nodded.

The boy in white refused to believe: "Do you remember my name? I, I don't believe you will forget me, I don't believe it!" He shook his head vigorously, his eyes were painful and unbelievable.

Shen Ning said indifferently: "I don't remember anything. If you think I forgot you made it difficult for you to accept, we can get to know you again. You can tell me your name."

The young boy in white shook his body slightly, reached for the trunk next to him, and closed his eyes.

It took a while before he opened his eyes again, his eyes slightly moist, and he exhaled gently, the pain and shock on his face slowly fading away.

He looked at her and smiled slightly at her, his smile blowing like a breeze.

"Ning'er, although you have forgotten the past, you are still the same as before. Even the expression and tone of speech are completely different from others. It doesn't matter if you forget me, but I will never forget you. You have lived Mine here. "

He tapped at the position of his heart.

The first reaction of Shen Ning's heartbeat was, Is this young boy in white an old lover of his own body?

"Who are you? Did you know me well before?" She asked.

Young Bai Yi said in a young voice: "It's very familiar."

"What's your name?" She asked again.

"My name is Xiaobai." He said quietly, his soft eyes fell on her face, and she looked at her eyes in an instant.

But his gentle gaze is completely different from Chu Shaoyang's. Chu Shaoyang's eyes are burning like fire, which can burn her at any time, so that she is under great pressure under his aggressive gaze, even breathing difficult.

But the white man's eyes were like the moonlight of the night, quiet and gentle, giving her a feeling of breeze, only comfort and no discomfort.

"Xiao Bai?" She repeated it, without the impression of the name in her mind.

But looking at him in white clothes fluttering like a person who came down from the painting, it really deserves the words white clothes like snow and a son like jade. The name Xiaobai is really appropriate.

She "fluttered" with a smile, her eyes shining in the stars.

This was the first time she smiled in front of him. The young boy in white only felt a jump in his heart, staring at her, and asked nervously, "Do you remember me coming? Have you remembered this name?"

Because of the tension, his voice was dumb, no longer the crispness just now.

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