Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1894: This reason is not valid

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How should this be?

"Ning'er, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that she was sleepy, Chu Shaoyang seemed to have a problem in her mind and couldn't help asking.

Shen Ning gritted his teeth and stopped, facing Chu Shaoyang.

Her serious expression scared Chu Shaoyang.

"Ning'er, what's wrong with you? Where is it uncomfortable, is it a headache?" He reached out his hand in anxiety to wipe the temperature of her forehead.

Shen Ning took a step back, blocked his hand, and stared at him: "Chu Shaoyang, I have something to tell you."

"What do you want to say to me?" Chu Shaoyang's heart suddenly raised his throat.

What he is worried about now is that she will restore her memory. When thinking of this, his heart is like a big piece of cotton.

Shen Ning thought for a while and then opened the door straight away: "Tonight, I want to live with you."

She looked at Chu Shaoyang in an instant, ready to wait for him to lose his temper, if he was angry, he could take the opportunity to make the last one, which caused him to take a break.

"Oh, why?" Chu Shaoyang didn't look angry, but raised his eyebrows.

"Because I lost my memory, in my heart, you are like a stranger now, and I will not share the same bed with the stranger." Shen Ning simply said.

What the **** is the reason!

Chu Shaoyang vomited, but his face did not show up.

He slightly hooked his lips and shook his finger gently, saying, "This reason is not valid. Ning'er, although you saved me, we met before you got married, but you know how many marriages in this world are blind Marriage and dumb marriage, how many couples were not strangers before they became married? They are not the same as married couples, and then grow old together? Even if we are strangers, as long as we are married, we are couples, if you say that husband is a stranger, Are you not afraid of hurting my heart? "

He took her hand, stared straight at her eyes, and said sincerely.

Shen Ning's face turned slightly red, and he wanted to draw back his hand, but he held it.

"Ning'er, are you afraid of me? Why do I feel like you have changed after you wake up, you always want to avoid me, Ning'er, don't be afraid of me, I'm not a tiger, I won't Eat you, I just want to hurt you well, love you well, I want to spend my life with you, never separate! "

Shen Ning's heart pounded, thinking: Of course, it was a different person, because the soul in this body has changed its owner. Perhaps the former original owner liked Chu Shaoyang, but it does not mean that she is a modern soul. Will also like him.

She never believed in love at first sight. Although Chu Shaoyang can definitely be called a high-ranking handsome man in ancient times, that does not mean that she will surely fall in love with him.

But Chu Shaoyang also has his advantages. His affectionate confession still touched the soft corner of her heart, which made her unbearable to say something that made him sad.

Once she likes a person, she will continue to like it, and she will never change her mind.

But that person is not necessarily Chu Shaoyang.

"I understand your intentions, but you don't need to say this again in the future." Shen Ning lowered her eyelashes and said softly: "Future things, I will talk about it in the future. My only request is now. Can you do it?"

"Ning'er, are you serious?" Chu Shaoyang looked at her calmly.

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