Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1886: Do not give up

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Shen Ning walked back to Xiulou along the same path and stood at the door. She looked back and found that Chu Shaoyang didn't follow her. She could not help being relieved, and her tight nerves also relaxed.

Although her handsome boyfriend always smiled and looked polite, she was keenly aware that he was definitely not as gentle and harmless on the surface.

In his bones, there was an invincible momentum, and even his smile was strong.

He is the kind of person who doesn't stop at his goal!

Such people are very difficult to deal with and very difficult to deal with.

He is very smart and alert, with eyes like himself, with some penetrating ability, able to see through some of his secret thoughts.

Especially he stared at her eyes intently, like the look of a cheetah in the jungle staring at its prey.

Staring at him like that, she would have the illusion that she was his prey.

This feeling is very bad.

So she could not wait to escape from his side, if he continued to stay beside her, she was afraid that she could not breathe properly.

She walked up the embroidered building slowly and step by step, and the four beautiful and gentle ladies immediately greeted them and saluted her with courtesy and courtesy.

There was something in Shen Ning's heart, and he didn't want to speak, and waved his hand: "You all go down, I want to rest."

"Yes, Mrs. Young." The four young ladies bowed back.

Shen Ning slowly lay on the bed and opened her eyes to the top of the tent. Although she was a little tired, she was sleepless.

The bedding on the bed is thick and warm, soft and smooth to the touch, I don't know if it is silk or silk, it is worth a lot.

And the furnishings of this room are all magnificent, at first glance they are carefully decorated.

From this we can see that her husband is very fond of her original owner, and also very fond of it. Only when you put it on the apex of your heart will you be so careful.

I really should think about what attitude you should use to face Chu Shaoyang in the future.

She found that the plan she was thinking about today would not work at all. The more she was out of the ordinary, the more he appreciated it. If he continued like this, he would be more reluctant to write a book and take her off.

How can he be disgusted and take the initiative to rest himself?

Shen Ning felt his head started to hurt.

Through some conversations with Chu Shaoyang, she became more and more curious about Chu Shaoyang's identity. This is by no means an ordinary wealthy son. Covered up very well, but did not hide her eyes as a micro-expression expert.

Who is he? What is your identity? How did he marry him? When did he marry him? What about the Chuanzi wound on his arm?

She suddenly found that she had accumulated a bunch of questions, and none of them asked Chu Shaoyang.

Because when he saw him, he stared at her with the hot eyes of moxibustion, and it seemed that he was going to eat her, making her panicked.

No, you can't go on like this!

You must be calm.

Shen Ning closed her eyes and decided to take a good night's sleep. After waking up, she regained her energy and she solved the problems one by one.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that the afterglow of the setting sun had filled the room, making the whole room warm and bright, full of bright colors.

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