Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"My name is Chu and my name is Shaoyang, do you remember?"

Chu Shaoyang gazed at her tenderly and said softly.

Shen Ning could not help repeating the sentence: "Chu Shaoyang?"


"Your name is so-so, well, I will call you Chu Shaoyang after that." She nodded.

Chu Shaoyang smiled and said: "Ning'er, you are my wife, you should call me husband."

He was pounding in his heart, looking at her with the look of expectation, she had never called her husband, he really wanted to hear her call herself with a melodious voice.


Shen Ning shook his head and shook his head: "Where the women here call their husbands husband, if I walk on the street, I will call husband, I am afraid that all married men will turn back and agree, then how do you know my name? It ’s you? It ’s better to call your name. Is n’t someone named just because they are called? "

She blinked and looked at him innocently.

Chu Shaoyang Renjun couldn't help laughing.

Strange to say, her remarks were strange things that he had never heard before, and it could be said that they were all fallacies, but he heard them with relish.

In memory, she has never spoken to herself in such a playful tone, nor has she ever shown such a little daughter's expression in front of herself.

His pure eye like a spring made his heart beat.

He stretched out his hand slowly, took her right hand, and smiled: "You are right, then you will call my name."

This lively and bold woman was not familiar to him, but he found that no matter what she said and what she did, it could not affect his love for her at all, even he liked her so smart and natural.

If she could do this all her life, it might be a good thing.

In his impression, she was sometimes sarcasm and sometimes ironic when facing him. She almost never looked at him with a straight eye. Even if she glanced at it occasionally, her eyes were disdainful and contemptuous.

The look was drawn on his face like a whip, making him love and hate her.

Now she looked at his gaze and finally no longer contempt, no longer contempt, although she said bold words, but her eyes are clear and clear, when watching him there is no hostility.

He likes her like this!

And I like it more and more!

He looked at her instantly with a near fascinated look, and the intense enthusiasm in his eyes was enough to make the desert burn.

Shen Ning suddenly felt feverish on her face and lowered her eyes involuntarily, daring not to look at him again.

This Chu Shaoyang, who hasn't seen a woman in a few lifetimes or still has a **** disease, how can she look at herself with such fiery eyes, she can hardly eat it.

Could it be said that what I said was not enough? Not only did he not hate him, but he won him more?

No way no way! No way!

Shen Ning realizes that things have deviated from her expectations, she must immediately implement the next plan to make him more disgusted with himself!

At this moment, the next people began to serve one after another, and a plate full of aromatic dishes was placed on a table.

She was surprised to find that the dishes at the table were all her favorite food.

Strange, how could Chu Shaoyang know his taste, is he a roundworm in his stomach?

"Ning'er, come and try this dish. I believe you must love it. This dish has a very nice name, called Phoenix Egg."

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