Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1870: Really good

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The mysterious man hiding in the dark did not lie to him. She really fell asleep for three days and three nights, and finally woke up.

Chu Shaoyang's throat choked with excitement, and there was a lot of emotion in his heart that he wanted to pour, but he could not say a word.

He could only stare at her staring blankly, his eyes were moist.

At this moment, Chu Shaoyang suddenly had a great worry. Will she not forget the past at all, and she will be as indifferent to him as before?

If that's the case, what should he do?

For a time, he was afraid to face her sober.

He saw her slowly rolling her eyes, and those eyes were still as clear and dark as he remembered, and he was attracting his eyes firmly.

Chu Shaoyang's lips moved slightly, and "Ninger" almost burst out, but he was finally controlled by him.

He did not dare to call her name because he was not sure if she remembered the past or how she looked when he saw him.

Finally, he saw her eyes fall on his face. For a time, his heart jumped to his throat, his lips were dry, and his back was sweating.

"who are you?"

He heard her speak softly, her brow furrowed slightly, and there was doubt on her face.

Her eyes are clear, her eyes are open, there is no anger, resentment, questioning, fear ... without all the emotions he fears, some are just confused and dazed.

Chu Shaoyang froze, and then, his ecstatic mood occupied his entire chest, and tears poured into his eyes.

Thanks god! Thankfully!

She really can't remember who he is!

He swallowed a sip of water before he could barely speak, but the throat was no longer soft and husky.

"You ... don't recognize me?"

She shook her head and said three more words: "I don't know."

Her brows were tighter, her eyes full of alertness as she looked at Chu Shaoyang.

Chu Shaoyang was relieved, and he exhaled for a long time.

God is so generous with herself, she actually makes her forget herself!

He never knew that the feeling of being completely forgotten by her would be so happy! She will forget all the bad things he used to do. From now on, she will remember only his good!

Chu Shaoyang smiled. He knew that his face was clear and handsome, and he was particularly touching when he smiled. There was hardly any girl who could resist his gentle smile.

But the other side of her saw his smile, the alertness in her eyes was heavier, and her face sank and she spoke coldly.

"Where is this place? Who are you?"

Her voice is as crisp and beautiful as ever, and this sentence is heard in Chu Shaoyang's ears as if she heard fairy music.

She really forgot, really forgot!

Chu Shaoyang almost laughed out loud.

The corners of his brows were full of smiles, staring at her, his eyes full of tenderness overflowing.

"This is our home, as for me, of course your husband." He said it without blinking his eyes. This sentence had been brewing in his heart for a long time. When it was spoken, it was purely natural, as if the matter was originally It's so general.

Shen Ning frowned, as if he didn't understand his words, so Chu Shaoyang's heart once again mentioned his throat.

He looked at her and wanted to reach out to hold her hand, but he didn't dare, only to feel sweating in his palm, he couldn't help but scold himself that he didn't have a good time, and he didn't even have the courage to shake her hand.

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