Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1866: Do the same thing

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"Grandpa, you are looking for a doctor. Our town is sparsely populated and there are no doctors." The shopkeeper replied respectfully.

As soon as he saw this young boy in purple clothes, he knew that the other party's identity was rich or expensive, and he was an offending person.

Hearing that, the teenager in purple clothes frowned.

The shopkeeper said busyly: "Grandpa, you have a family who is sick? I know there is a doctor. His medical skills claim to be the first in the world, but he is a little far from here, and it takes seven or eight days to reach the miles."

Ziyi teenager grabbed the shopkeeper's wrist, and Junxiu's face showed an urgent look.

"Hurry up, what's his name, where is he living?"

He was grasped by the shopkeeper's wrist, and he felt like he was wearing a big iron hoop, and he was sorely sucked. I thought that the young man looked so gentle and so powerful!

"Grandpa, you let go, let go, oh hello, these old bones of mine can't bear the grandfather of Grandpa, you let me go, I will show you the way." He said with a crackling tooth.

The Ziyi teenager let go of his wrist, and his cold, cold eyes were still staring at him in an instant.

The shopkeeper felt cold all over, pointing in the direction that the second brother had just left, and said, "Grandpa, I don't know the name of the doctor, I only know that he has a nickname called the world's first doctor, just follow This road has been going south, and it will be there in seven or eight days, oh, yes, the place where he lives is called God's Valley. "

"The No. 1 Divine Doctor in the World? Divine Doctor Valley?"

Ziyi's young man raised his eyebrows and gave a thoughtful expression on his face. Then he turned around, jumped on the carriage, and drove the carriage to the south, and soon disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

The teenager suddenly came and went away. Although he only said three sentences, he was shocked that all the guests in the inn did not dare to come out. When he left, all the people breathed a sigh of relief. The back was wet with cold sweat.

They all felt a huge pressure and murderousness.

The air-conditioned young man in purple clothes was none other than Chu Shaoyang.

He used a strategy of moving flowers and trees, and found a young girl of similar age to Shen Ning. After drowning her and throwing her into the river, he prepared to take Shen Ning to South Vietnam.

Who knows that after day and night, no matter what method he used, he still couldn't wake Shen Ning, who fell into a coma.

Chu Shaoyang felt panicked, and took her to find the most famous doctor in the local area. The doctor finished the pulse to Shen Ning, grabbed his head and said, "Strange, this girl's pulse is very peaceful, she just fell asleep Well, there is nothing sick! "

"Nonsense, how could she not be sick! She has been comatose all day and night, if she is not sick, how could she not sleep all day and night!"

Chu Shaoyang got upset, scolded the doctor, left Shen Ning with the doctor, and went to seek medical treatment.

But no matter how famous the doctor he was looking for, everyone's diagnosis was exactly the same. No one could see Shen Ning's illness. They said in unison that she was just asleep.

But how can a person in a good manner stay awake all the time?

So Chu Shaoyang didn't believe it anyway.

It has been two days and one night, and Shen Ning still shows no signs of waking up, and Chu Shaoyang is sure that she is not pretending to sleep, but she is really unaware.

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