Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1864: His promise

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The Lord Zixiao called his second apprentice, and exhorted him carefully.

The two brothers heard that the master wanted to **** the young master to the Shenji Valley, and he looked respectfully and said, "Master, rest assured, the disciple will surely send the young master peacefully to the Shenji Valley, and let the first **** doctor help the young master to heal the wound. If he dares to refrain from treatment, his disciples will burn his Valley of Divine Heal.

The main face of Zixiao Pavilion sank and shouted, "Carefully, this main pavilion is asking you to send Xiaoer to seek medical treatment. If you set fire to the valley, is it the attitude of seeking medical treatment? If the Divine Doctor refused to heal Xiaoer Is it because you have to cut his head with a knife? You do n’t think it ’s a task! "

Brother II bowed his head in anxiety: "The disciple is wrong and the disciple does not dare. But master, if the **** doctor refuses to cure the young master, shouldn't the disciple be forced by force?"

Zixiao Pavilion said: "Of course not! Only his medical skills are the best in today's world. Except for him, no one can cure Xiaoer's injury. I want to let him agree, but all the methods of poisoning and secret calculation are not allowed to use, do you understand? "

His tone was strict, and the second brother replied: "Yes, the disciples obeyed the teacher's orders and asked each other for words."

Lord Zixiao said again: "Thinking that the **** doctor has a great reputation, he said that if he didn't cure, he wouldn't be cured. How could he be cured by asking for it? In short, if you want to act by chance, you can't do it. When the book is returned, the cabinet leader will go in person. "

The two brothers agreed to prepare an ordinary carriage. They also put on the driver's costume and escorted the thousand-faced son down the mountain all the way to the Valley of Divine Doctors.

Thousand-faced son lifted the driving curtain and looked at the scenery outside the window. I saw the carriage running at a speed, farther and farther away from Zixiao Peak, and there was an indescribable taste in my heart.

"Your father, Xiaoer didn't want to hide from you deliberately, let alone betray you, but Xiaoer promised her what she had to do anyway!"

He remembered that his righteous father proposed to send himself to the doctor's valley for medical treatment, and he was right in his own mind. He didn't care much about whether the veins of his left hand could be continued. You can tell her news to her master Gu Shenyi, and her master will certainly be able to develop the antidote of Forgetting Pill, and then he will take the antidote to save her!

His hand slowly reached into his arms, and he found a crumpled piece of paper, which was the antidote recipe she wrote to him.

He has been hiding on his body for several days, with his blood stained on it. Many of the writing on the paper has been blurred by the blood, and it is almost unclear.

But he knew every word on the paper very well, and every day he took it out and looked at it silently, as if her sly eyes and her smiling and teasing face appeared again in front of her.

She teased him and gave him such a shameless medicine that turned him into a male unlike a male and a female unlike a female, so angry that he almost wanted to kill her, but now looking back, he thought that The teasing is full of sweet memories.

If she can appear in front of him, he is willing to be teased by her again, even if it is ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times, and he will never regret it.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and the note was cherished back into his arms. His finger accidentally touched a hard object.

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