Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1858: Only married, not cave

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"Ah! Got it, I get it. The original reason is so complicated. How could I think of it, Ting Xuan, you are so smart. If you remind me, I might really go to my mother's place."

The eldest princess suddenly realized that the look of Ye Tingxuan was full of worship.

Ye Tingxuan said with a smile: "It's not clever. It's just a little careful. I want to be like a princess. I have a simple mind and an open mind. I can say whatever I want, just do what I want, without so much restraint."

The princess was stunned, and suddenly said, "Do you know? Ning'er also said the same thing to me, almost exactly the same as you said, Ting Xuan, what do I do with that? You can't go to the mother, the emperor also Do n’t let me go to Ning'er. Do I know that Ning'er is in danger so I don't ask? I can't do such a thing! "

Ye Tingxuan pondered for a while, and said, "What happened to the Queen Mother, we don't know anything. Since the Emperor won't let you ask, he must have thought of the way, you don't even know where the Queen Mother is now, how can you Surely she is in danger? This matter is still left to the emperor to deal with it. As for you, the emperor has decided to let us get married after three days. My princess, should you prepare? "

Princess Chang's face was red: "What are you going to prepare! What can I do, I can't find Ning'er, how can I have the intention to marry you!"

"Princess, don't the queen's empress do not appear in her life, will you not marry me in her life?"

"Nonsense, who said that Ning'er will not show up in his life, if you curse Ning'er again, I will not marry you!" Princess Chang stared.

"Princess, it's one thing to find someone, and it's another thing to marry someone. Can you confuse the two?" Ye Tingxuan was aggrieved.

The long princess thought for a while and said, "Okay, marry you, marry you, and become married! But we have to say in advance, if we can't find Ning'er, this princess won't be with you in the cave! When is Ning'er? Come back, then ... again ... "

She suddenly felt shy, glared at Ye Tingxuan, turned around and left.

Ye Tingxuan was not angry and followed behind with a smile.

The two people keep a certain distance one after the other, and no one speaks, but both hearts are fluttering like in the clouds, remembering that they will get married after three days, happiness and joy fill the hearts of the two people Full.

After a hearty conversation with Ye Tingxuan, the dissatisfaction and anger of Mo Chuan in Princess Chang's heart disappeared a lot.

She suddenly thought that Brother Huang ’s affection for Ning'er must be no less than that of Ye Tingxuan to himself. Ting Xuan was right, and Ning’er was gone. The person who was most worried about and worried about it must be Brother Huang, but he had the same temper as Ye Tingxuan, Hidden all the things in my heart, not even showing the slightest face to the closest person.

It's just that he is suppressing himself in this way, doesn't he want to hold back the disease?

No, she must go back to find the elder brother and apologize to him in person. She is a straight-rectal character. If you have something to do, you must say it. If you let her hold it like Mo Chuan, I am afraid that it is her I couldn't even sleep well.

Princess Chang suddenly turned around and strode in the direction of Yushufang.

Ye Tingxuan didn't understand what she was thinking, only when she was going to Mochuan again, her face changed.

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