Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1837: A dream come true

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And the ghostly black cord, like a viper, almost killed his life!

He didn't know until now whether the guy who attacked him was a man or a ghost, and even the shadow of the man didn't see it. He was so scared that he fled and fled. Was he Chu Shaoyang?

The sun penetrated the clouds, shining on him, warm and warm, feeling the warmth and dazzling of the sun, Chu Shaoyang felt the lost courage returned to his body.

He sat up and took a hard sip and decided to rush back to where he left to see what happened.

He Chu Shaoyang has always been fearless and fearless. Last night, he was scared by an invisible guy. If he spread it, what would he look like!

What's more, he doesn't believe that there are ghosts in this world, he must catch the guy who is not male or female, and avenge his beloved girl!

Chu Shaoyang pulled out his sword, cut off the reins of the horse, and then jumped on the horseback.

He suspected that the carriage was obstructing, affecting the speed, pulling the horse's head, preparing to run towards the road, suddenly thinking about it, wrong, this carriage is the guy who is not male or female, look at his pair of nervous and caring It looks like what baby is in the car.

He wants to see what baby is in this carriage!

With curiosity, Chu Shaoyang drove the horse to the front of the carriage. He was worried that there would be a hidden weapon inside. He carefully waved his sword and cut off the curtain, and looked into the carriage.

At first glance, he was shocked, as if he saw something incredible, his eyes widened, almost falling out.

He covered his chest and couldn't help coughing violently until there was blood foam at the corner of his mouth.

The last serious injury he had suffered did not heal. As long as he was in a mood, he would cough up and bleed, but the more he coughed, the happier he was, and finally raised his head and laughed.

God treats him really well!

He used to think that the girl he would never see was in front of him. She lay quietly in the carriage and fell asleep quietly.

Chu Shaoyang could see that she was really asleep, her chest was still slightly undulating, her breathing was calm and quiet, her eyes were closed, her face was as white as transparent, and only he was heartbroken Jumping straight.

Are you dreaming? Why is she here? Why do you sleep so quietly? Did n’t even wake up with the big movement yesterday?

Chu Shaoyang rubbed her eyes vigorously, and when she looked back, she was still lying quietly on the couch.

He still couldn't believe it. He pinched a lot on his thighs and made him breathe in pain, but the smile on his face spread all over his eyebrows.

True, he is not dreaming!

She was right in front of him!

Chu Shaoyang wondered whether there was any hidden weapon in the carriage. He jumped into the carriage and stood in front of the couch, staring at her sleeping face. He only felt that his hands and feet were soft, his heartbeat accelerated, and his breathing was not smooth.

He sat down slowly, his eyes still looking at her without blinking, and slowly reached out his hand, gently touching on her cheek, only to feel that the skin was smooth, with a faint temperature, for a moment, I'm not happy in my heart, I just want to yell and jump.

Thinking she was dead, he would never see her again in his life, he wholeheartedly wanted to avenge her ...

How did she know that she appeared alive in front of him!

At this moment, Chu Shaoyang only felt that the entire chest cavity was filled.

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