Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1805: Chu Mochuan, how lucky are you

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"What do you mean by telling the truth? Do you want me to take this forgetful pill, do you?"

Shen Ning coldly said.

"If you can save your life, why would I want you to eat this! But this is the only way to save your life, aunt, I don't want to lie to you or force you, I just want to save you!" Qian The face of the son quickly said.

Several thoughts flashed in Shen Ning's mind.

Do not! She should never eat this forgetful pill!

If there is such a medicine in this world, she will forget Mo Chuan, forget every bit between her and Mo Chuan, if she really forgets, then living in this world is just her body. That's it.

What's the point of living in this world?

"I won't eat this forgotten pill. If your righteous father is worried that I will reveal his secret, then you can take my head back." She straightened her back and said aloud.

"Aunt! Why are you so stupid! In this world, what is more important than being alive?"

"No, you are wrong. There are many things more important than being alive! To me forget Mo Chuan, I would rather die!" She said without hesitation.

The thousand-faced son looked at her in disbelief.

"You ... you wouldn't even forget to forget him? What good is he worth to you? He is just a man. You forget him, and someone will treat you better than him in the future. Starting a new life, you will also be very happy and very happy ... "

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shen Ning's cold voice.

"You will never understand! My memory and him are my most precious things. Your righteous father would like to take away from me. If I really forget everything in the past, will I still be me? What is the difference between me and The Walking Dead? You want my life, okay! If I forget Mo Chuan, I can't do it! "Her voice was powerful, and there was no room to return.

Thousand-faced son dumbfounded, he moved his lips, wanting to persuade him again, but seeing her determined eyes, she knew she had made up her mind, and no matter what she said, she could not change her decision.

He couldn't help sighing deeply. He couldn't tell what was in his heart. He admired her firmness towards Mochuan and couldn't help being jealous. If the person she cared about was not Mochuan, how good he should be.

You can be loved by a girl like her, Chu Mochuan, how lucky you are!

"Well, in this case, I will not force you."

Qianmianzi nodded his head and put Wang Qingdan back into his arms. After thinking for a while, he said, "I won't kill you either, but I will come to the foot of the mountain for a while, and someone will come to check it. I ca n’t wake up in a lethargic state. My righteous father said that after taking this forgotten pill, he would sleep for three days and three nights. When he wakes up, he ca n’t remember anything. No matter what, I will try my best to ensure that you are thorough and send you out safely. "

Shen Ning couldn't help but stunned and looked at the Thousand Faced Son as if he knew him for the first time.

She frowned: "Little white wolf, what trick do you want to play?"

Thousand-faced son smiled bitterly: "I know, you never believed me, whether you believe it or not, I hope you can do what I say, I hope I can hide my righteous father ..."

But he knew in his heart that even if it was concealed for a while, it would not be long.

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