Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1802: Really uneasy and kind

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But, to her like that, what other face will he appear in front of her?

The two thoughts in his heart could not be fought, and the carriage was getting slower and slower.

Shen Ning noticed in the car and couldn't help but sarcastically: "Little white-eyed wolf, are you catching a horse-drawn carriage or a bullock? At your speed, I'm afraid to catch a year or wander around here."

Qianmianzi couldn't help but say: "You just can't wait to leave?"

"If you don't leave, would you want me to live here all my life? This is not my home."

When Shen Ning spoke of the word "home", she suddenly remembered the Guanju Palace. All the furnishings, decorations, and scenery in the palace were vivid, and everything was warm and intimate. It was the only one in the entire palace that made her The place where she felt warm was the only place where she felt at home.

Because it was a house that Mo Chuan personally arranged for her!

She thought of Mochuan and Guanju Palace. The blood in her body suddenly became hot, and her heart was like an arrow.

But she knew that she would never leave Zixiao Pavilion so smoothly.

This little white-eyed wolf hesitated and grinded along the way, afraid to be thinking about when to start on himself!

Her hand could not help pressing on the waist-peacock opening mechanism, and she listened with her ears. If the little white-eyed wolf dared to move, she would have to start with the strong first.

She couldn't help but be glad that Lord Zixiao was so savvy, but she didn't find the hidden weapon she was carrying with her, nor did she know that she was still wearing a snow silkworm clothing that was invulnerable.

Strangely, Lord Zixiao did n’t know, but Little White-eyed Wolf knew it. Did n’t he say that he had these two things? But why did he hide it for himself?

Is he really going to save himself?

Shen Ning shook his head, remembering the scene in the wolf hole, his heart felt a little grateful for the thousand-faced son who had just risen.

Little white-eyed wolf wouldn't be so kind. If he really wanted to save himself, he wouldn't tie himself up with his hands and feet and throw him in the wolf hole to feed the wild wolf!

"Aunt, have you never believed me? You always thought I would hurt you, didn't you?"

Thousand-faced son strangled the carriage and stopped. He lifted the curtain and looked at Shen Ning, who was sitting in the carriage, with a pain in his eyes.

He clearly wanted to save her, but she thought she was uneasy and kind, and her uncle obviously wanted her life, but she gave her uncle a mouthful of uncle, and called him a real kiss!

He wanted to question her aloud several times, how smart are you? What about wit? Don't you really see who is the one who is good to you?

But the words came to his mouth, and he swallowed them all.

The righteous father has the grace of nurturing. He can't discredit the righteous person to outsiders, not to mention, he knows that the righteous father must have his reason to do so.

If he changed before, he would also agree with his father's approach.

Shen Ning's eyes were covered with a black cloth and she could not see anything, but her hearing and touch became extremely sensitive.

She heard the resentment in the thousand-faced son's words, which seemed genuine.

"You keep saying you don't want to harm me, then how do you prove that you are serious?" She said lightly.

"How do you want me to prove?" The thousand-faced son gritted his teeth.

"I want to remove this black cloth and take a look at the surrounding scenery, will it work?" Shen Ning suddenly asked.

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