Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Thousand-faced son stared staringly at Zixiao Pavilion Master, and then suddenly realized.

It turned out that the father-in-law never planned to let her go, everything was lying to her.

She handed over the military books and drawings, her uncle will not let her go, she will not, and her uncle will not let her go!

Damn, I should have thought of all this already, but why have I always hoped for my uncle, and felt that his uncle would speak like a mountain and fulfill his promise?

"Xiao'er, your uncle does this, but it's for your own good. If you like her, your uncle will leave her. If you want to marry her, you don't want to marry her. Anyway, she is yours. Do n’t you want her? Are you willing to see her go back to another man and smile at the other man? ”

The Master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion said slowly, the voice and the sentence contained great temptation, and only listened to the thousand-faced son.

Why doesn't he want to! He is thinking about dreaming!

But what would she think of him if he really did this? What would you think of him? She will hate him, blame him, blame him, look down on him!

No, he can't!

"Father, please forgive Xiaoer for not wanting her, because Xiaoer will not want a girl who likes other men." He said calmly.

He can only save her righteous father.

The Lord Zixiao stared at him quietly, as if to see if he was sincere or hypocritical, but the thousand-faced son did not open his eyes, because he knew his eyes would definitely reveal the feelings in his heart.

"Okay, since you do n’t want her, it ’s meaningless for her to stay in this world. The father-in-law wanted to keep her life because she can make you happy, but it seems that you are not happy to leave her. Then wait for tomorrow. After she handed over the drawings, her father-in-law threw her into the snake cave of Houshan, because she would die off her own life. "

After finishing the speech, the proprietor of the Zixiao Pavilion pushed the wheelchair to leave.

The Thousand-faced Master was surprised, suddenly stood up, and landed in front of the Lord of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion, spread his arms, and screamed angrily:


"Why, what else do you have to say?" Lord Zixiao looked at him coldly.

"Sister-in-law, why do you have to force me? Why do n’t you let her go? You know that even if you leave her, you ca n’t keep her heart. If you want to let her stay, it will make her worse. Dead! "The thousand-faced son cried angrily.

"It's better to die than life? Do you think this girl would rather die than marry you?"

"Yes, I'm sure that she will die, and she doesn't want to stay and marry me, because the person she likes is not me at all!" Qianmian said loudly.

"What if I could make the person she likes you?"

Thousand-faced son froze.

"Your father, what are you saying? Can you make the person she likes me?" He asked, staring blankly, all unbelievable in his eyes.

"Yes, I can." The Lord Zixiao said quietly, his eyes calm and indifferent.

"It's impossible, that's impossible." He shook his head again and again.

"Silly boy, in this world, as long as you think! There is nothing impossible, the righteous father is the best example." The Lord Zixiao raised his head slowly, looking at the deep night, his thoughts were flying very much. Far, far away, it seems to remember some heavy unbearable past.

Qianmianzi has never heard of the past of the Lord Zixiao, and he dared not interrupt the thoughts of Lord Zixiao, but just stood still and listened quietly.

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