Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1756: Sow will be on the tree

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Shen Ning's brain suddenly became a mess.

She remembered Mo Chuan ’s expression of hatred when she mentioned Zixiaoge, and remembered that he had said the bad things that Zixiaoge did. Let yourself respect the Lord Zixiao, she couldn't restrain her anger, and scolded her head in anger.

To her surprise, the son of Thousand Faces was not angry, but instead he looked very happy. His eyes looked at her, as if they were different from before.

There was no calculation in his eyes, no killing opportunities, only gentleness in it, and even the tone of his speech became gentle.

Is this ... the same cold-faced and relentless son she knew who was more cunning than a fox?

Huh, he must be trying to play tricks!

Shen Ning made a judgment immediately and remembered that when he first saw the thousand-faced son, he pretended to be a naive and innocent little boy. Be kind to yourself!

She won't be fooled!

When the thousand-faced son left, he vowed to say that she must be saved from leaving here, and she didn't even believe a word!

If a man speaks casually, if he can believe, the sow will be on the tree!

Except Mo Chuan, she didn't believe any other men!

Thousand-faced son left, she lay on the bed again, but she couldn't sleep anymore.

Although she scolded the thousand-faced son with his head covered, she also learned a very important message from the face of the thousand-faced son.

She finally knew where she was, and who the mysterious strange man was.

"Zixiao Pavilion Master, Zixiao Pavilion ..."

She pondered in silence.

Speaking of this, she has dealt with the Zixiao Pavilion, who was so frightened and hated and feared by everyone, many times.

She first heard the name of Zixiao Pavilion from the mouth of Namucuo. When Namucuo's martial art was so high, when she mentioned Zixiaoge, her tone became cautious.

He once said that once stared by the people of Zixiao Pavilion, it seems like the soul will be entangled endlessly, and I don't know what happened to Namu after a parting. Is the people of Zixiao Pavilion still killing him?

However, she believes that Namu's wrong person is alert, martial arts and high, and the people in Zixiaoge can't help but he will be safe and secure.

As for how you got into Zixiaoge?

She couldn't even think of breaking her head.

If you are complaining, it should start from when the white-eyed wolf pretended to be a boy and wanted to assassinate on the carriage. He humiliated the little white-eyed wolf, and since then he was entangled by this guy like a maggot, it is really endless!

However, why did the little white-eyed wolf assassinate himself at the time? Later, he received the commission from the leader of Zhaorong County. But for the first time, she had never met with the leader of Zhaorong County. The master of Zhaorong County had actually found Zixiaoge when he did not know who he was, and wanted to buy his own life?

In other words, what she wanted was not her own life, but the queen's life! Because he married Mochuan, the person Zhao Rong wanted to kill was the one who married Mochuan!

Yes, that must be the case!

With a move in Shen Ning's heart, he suddenly remembered the venomous snake incident in the cave room. What he guessed at the time was that this matter could not be separated from the royal prince.

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