Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1734: It was her!

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Lord Zixiao nodded: "You get up, your father knows you haven't lied, and show me this thing."

Thousand-faced Master stood up and handed the wooden gun carefully into the hands of the Lord Zixiao.

"Your Father, you must be careful, this thing is so powerful, Xiaoer has studied it for a long time, and I don't know how to use it."

Master Zixiao held the pistol. He was a master of making dark weapons. After only a few glances, he guessed how to use it. He raised his hand, grasped the handle of the gun, and pressed the index finger gently on the trigger.

Only a loud bang was heard, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, the smoke filled, the smell of gunpowder overflowing.

"Grandfather! Are you okay!"

The thousand-faced son was taken aback, and hurriedly grabbed it, only to see the Lord Zixiao sitting in a wheelchair, safe and sound, with a slight smile on his face.

"Xiao'er, look back."

Thousand-faced son looked back and saw that one side of the rockery in the yard was bombarded with a large chunk, and the ground was covered with gravel dust.

Although he knew that the hidden weapon had great power, he didn't expect that the stone would be able to smash. He immediately opened his mouth and couldn't close. After a while, he said: "It's amazing!"

Lord Zixiao nodded again: "Yes, this thing is really powerful, it is more than twice as powerful as our" Tian Nu San Hua ". You just said that the person who made this hidden weapon is an enemy of you. What is his name? Whose name is the name, but is there a recipe for making this hidden weapon? "

Thousand-faced son knows that the righteous father is extremely smart, and the information of Zixiaoge is very well-informed. I wonder if there are any secrets that can hide the righteous father ’s eyes and ears. Already know.

Perhaps the righteous father asked himself this way, he was tempting.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Your father, the one who made this hidden weapon was Xiaoer's goal this time, the Queen Mother of Xi Chu Kingdom."

"What? Is it her?"

The Master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion moved slightly and looked at the Master of Thousand Faces: "You tell me in detail what happened, what is going on."

A rare, solemn expression appeared on his face.

Thousand-faced son did not dare to conceal, disguised himself as a captive boy for the first time, wanted to assassinate Shen Ning in the carriage, and began to talk about the things that were seen through humiliation. The head who wanted to buy is also Shen Ning. How did she fail so many times? Instead, Shen Ning used her bones to decimate her skills. She had to pretend to be a woman and follow Shen Ning to wait for an opportunity. Finally, she succeeded. Report to the principal of Zixiao Pavilion in ten places.

The whole incident he said was good, but the details and his mood changed, but he didn't mention it.

"It turns out that this is the case. I didn't expect this little girl to know so much. She still has some strange skills. You tell the uncle to listen."

Lord Zixiao seems to be very interested in Shen Ning's affairs, which not only sounds interesting, but also looks like he still hasn't finished.

Thousand-faced Master was slightly surprised, but what the Lord Xiaoxiao asked was exactly what he was most willing to say.

"She is very clever and has the ability to remember, even the world's first magician appreciates her, accepts her as an apprentice, she makes some medical skills, and also some poisonous techniques, then the magician gave her a rhinoceros pill It can be poisonless, she said that she would teach me to study medicine so that I would kill less people ... "

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