Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1605: Marshal Pingnan

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Shen Ning will leave the palace, Mo Chuan is not surprised, but it is three days as soon as she leaves, which is a bit incredible.

Mo Chuan suddenly thought that she wouldn't go to Gu Qingze in Shenji Valley, right?

But this idea was subsequently rejected by him, that is impossible! If she was going to the Shenji Valley, she would not let Gu Qingze leave alone, not to mention that when the Nanyue Army had just pressed the border, Nanguan was out of control, and when his pressure doubled, she would not leave him.

Did she get out of the palace and have an accident?

But if she was out of the palace, there would be dark guards to follow, and now the dark guards said they did not see her leave the palace, indicating that she was still in the palace.

Mo Chuan thought about it, and decided to go to Guanju Palace to see, maybe he would find some clues.

At this time, he suddenly thought of chasing the wind, if chasing the wind did not **** Gu Qingze to Shenhe Valley, if chasing the wind is still here, she can definitely find her whereabouts.

As soon as he entered the gate of Guanju Palace, he saw Xiaoru holding a letter and hurried to the door. When he saw him, he fell to his knees.

"Emperor, the slave-maid has found a letter left by Missy. Please take a look. Missy, what did she say? Is she not going to be a slave? Is she leaving by herself?" Said.

"The letter she left? Why did you not discover it until now!"

Mo Chuan's heart jumped suddenly, a bad feeling hit his heart.

He couldn't help but glared at Xiaoru, and took the letter. He couldn't wait to open the envelope and opened the letter paper, only to see Liaoliao written on it.

"Marshal Pingnan also went out!"

He stared at the nine big characters in a daze for a while, but he was speechless for a while.

Xiao Ru leaned over to look at the content on the paper, with a confused face on her face, clutching her scalp and saying, "This word is Missy's handwriting, but what does this mean? Did Missy go to the theater? She went to the theater Did you see the marshal war drama? "

"This brave girl, if I let her catch her, she will not be forgiving!"

Mo Chuan stayed for a while, crumpling the piece of paper, clenching it in his palm, angry and anxious.

Xiaoru couldn't understand the meaning of these nine words, but he could see clearly.

That girl rushed to the front to fight!

It turned out that she had repeatedly mentioned that she wanted to lead the army, and she was not kidding. She had long thought of doing so, so she tried him again and again, and after he was firmly rejected by her, she actually came Leave without saying goodbye!

She ... she is too bold!

Mo Chuan really can't wait to grab her over and teach her a hard meal, without hitting her **** and blossoming out of bed for three days, he is not Mo Chuan!

But no matter how much he hated, he couldn't catch her.

Although Mochuan was annoyed, but a heart mentioned her throat, she did not martial arts, and she was a girl who left Kyoto alone and went to the front. What kind of trouble is she doing? Didn't she know that the battle was together, would the road become uneven?

Rogues, bandits, and thieves will all take advantage of the chaos!

Even if she can safely reach the front line, facing the Nanyue Army, even the generals he sent to the battlefield for many years and experienced generals have suffered defeats, what can she do for a weak woman?

Marshal Pingnan! This girl has sealed herself a big official!

Well, I am afraid that she has not leveled South Vietnam yet, but let the South Vietnamese army flatten her first!

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