Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1601: Who did it?

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In addition, there is only one possibility!

It was n’t that someone came into the palace to take Shen Ning away, but she ... walked away!

No, if she walked by herself, why did Qianqian disappear?

Mo Chuan now only remembers who the thousands are, and that must be the beautiful cook sent by Empress Zhou.

Does Ning'er's disappearance have anything to do with this?

Otherwise, why didn't she disappear long ago, and never disappear late, but she disappeared after coming to Guanju Palace!

All this may be due to the arrangement of the Empress Zhou!

Mo Chuan suddenly felt a sense of horror in his heart, and his face instantly condensed like ice.

If this is really the arrangement of Queen Zhou, it will be terrible.

Mother, mother, are you so intolerant? Do you have to kill the beloved ones of your sons?

"Emperor, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaoru was crying, and she felt a huge chill around her, so cold that she was trembling, and when she looked up, she saw Mo Chuan's unsightly complexion.

Mo Chuan didn't say a word, as if he didn't hear her, he turned and strode out.

Like he was burnt in his heart, he didn't even take the sedan chair, and he directly exerted light power and went straight to Guanju Palace.

Although Xiaoru speaks eloquently, he still has to verify it with his own eyes.

When he arrived at Guanju Palace, he was like a wind, and he quickly turned around. Sure enough, he did not see Shen Ning.

Not only did Shen Ning disappear, even the thousands of cooks were gone!

Mo Chuan did not stop any longer, went straight to Shoukang Palace.

Shortly after getting up, Empress Zhou was using her breakfast, and suddenly heard Su Jin's surprised and joyful voice crying: "Emperor!"

She froze for a moment, wondering how this hour would come.

Looking up, Mo Chuan was standing at the door of the room, and his dark, deep eyes looked at him instantaneously.

"Emperor, are you here to please the Aijia? Why is it so early that breakfast is available? If breakfast is not available, eat it in the mother's palace, Su Jin, and give the emperor a bowl of green stem rice Congee, the emperor likes to eat this. "

Mrs. Zhou smiled warmly behind her, and said to Mo Chuan kindly.

Mo Chuan stood motionless at the door, he fixedly looked at Empress Zhou, the muscles in the corner of his eyes were faintly beating.

"Why do you do this, mother?" His voice was solemn and serious.

Empress Zhou froze for a moment, the spoon in her hand stopped in the air, and stunned: "Emperor, what do you mean?"

Mo Chuan said coldly, "Do you still have to be confused now? The mother, the son-in-law really can't understand, can you not tolerate her like this? Must take her away from the son-in-law!"

He had never spoken with the Empress Zhou in this tone.

Not only was Empress Zhou stunned, but even Su Jin was stunned. Both of them looked at Mochuan with strange eyes.

Su Jin thought about it and rushed out: "The emperor, but what happened to the empress queen?"

Mo Chuan didn't even look at her, but looked straight at Empress Zhou.

The smile on Queen Zhou ’s face disappeared, and she frowned, saying lightly: "What is the cause of your queen ’s misfortune? You do n’t go to her to ask questions, but come to ask what the family is doing?"

Mo Chuan's voice was frustrated with anger: "Ask her to ask? If the son can find her, he won't come here to find her mother."

Empress Zhou's brows were tighter, and she said unhappy: "This is the Shoukang Palace where the Ai's family lives, not the Queen's Guanju Palace. It's ridiculous to find the Ai's family when you find the empress!"

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