Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1596: Dog Head Military Division

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He finished talking sternly, without looking back at the dungeon, and the white cloak fluttered and flew behind him like a pilot.

Everyone was frightened by his momentum, and no one could speak.

Tuobazheng jumped like a thunder. If his personal guards hugged him, he almost wanted to rush up and fight desperately with Chu Shaoyang.

"Sovereign Lord Lord is angry! He is King Chu and the coach. You are only a lieutenant, and he can't afford to offend him!"

A man with a military commander came out and persuaded.

"Master Pang, why are you here too?" Tuobazheng gasped for a few breaths and slowly calmed down, but his face was still covered with grimace.

He hated to say: "A good Chu Shaoyang, he dares to be a spy, and the county king is still afraid that he will not succeed! After I am repairing the book to the father emperor immediately, I must grab his spy and cut his head!"

Master Pang said busyly: "The Lord of the County, think about it carefully. In fact, what King Chu said is not unreasonable. Although your military is heavy, martial arts are outstanding, and you know the art of war, but the emperor has never reused the king of the county. Even this time sending a large army to the West Expedition, only sent you as a deputy general, and handed over the military and horse power to King Chu, which shows that in the emperor's heart, he believes that the person he is more is King Chu. , I am afraid that the effect will be counterproductive and irritate the emperor. "

Tuobazheng said angrily: "Is the prince just not doing this! I am humiliated by a prince like this ..."

"Hush, Lord Jun is banned. He is now King Chu who was sealed by the emperor. He also holds the military power. You must be merciful. If you are caught, you will still lose.

Tuobazheng almost vomited to bleed, lowering his voice and indignantly said: "The prince is obviously born to the father, but in the eyes of the father, it is not as good as a traitor who has just surrendered! Now the prince suspects "Whether Chu Shaoyang is the son of his father, or the king of this county!"

Na Pangjun said: "Did you forget the Lord of the County, the emperor often said that the people who win the people get the world, and they said that they should take the world by virtue, rule the world by virtue, and solidify the world by ethics. Poke, don't like the city of the massacre, Lord Jun, you have never been reused, I am afraid it is for this reason, although King Chu made a bad speech, but what he said might be what the emperor thought, he let the captives of Xi Chu , Ordered not to harm one person in the city, but how did it all come from the emperor ’s advice? "

Tuoba Zheng suddenly stopped struggling and stared at Master Pang staring: "You mean, my father and emperor don't like me, because I am too murderous?"

Pang Jun said: "This is just a subordinate who listened to King Chu's words and guessed."

"But what you said also makes a lot of sense. Since I asked the father emperor for help after my last slaughter, the father emperor's face is not very good-looking. Not only did he not praise me, but he reprimanded me a few words, I thought someone was behind I said bad things about this prince, now I want to come, it is so! "

Tuoba Zheng recalled his father's attitude towards himself over the years, and he couldn't help but realize it.

But he was unconvinced and said: "How can you stand up if you don't kill in the army! If you don't kill anyone after the city is broken, then how can you let the other side look down? The prince has always been invincible, because the prince killed people like this Ma, those enemies heard that the prince himself was leading the soldiers, so they were afraid to surrender early! "

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