Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1585: Let her sleep with her?

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"Qianqian, why are you upset, is it because Aunt Su Jin has trained you?"

Xiaoru also retreated behind him, leaving only Shen Ning and Su Jin to talk in the room. She saw Qian Qiangzi sullen a face, somehow, suddenly felt that the expression on this face was somewhat familiar. , But I ca n’t remember where I ’ve seen it.

Thousand-faced son suddenly remembered that this was in the palace, not in the Zixiao Pavilion.

He has no skill now, he is just an ordinary person. In this palace, anyone can bully him. He must be a man with a low eyebrow, even Xiao Ru, who looks down on him, cannot easily offend him.

What is so good about this palace, there are rules everywhere. It's really stupid to think about women who want to sharpen their heads and marry into the palace, including the master of Zhaorong County.

He only stayed in this palace for three days. He already felt that he was living like a year. If he didn't want to fulfill his wish, he would have been unable to bear it.

"Qianqian, don't be upset. In fact, Aunt Su Jin's people are very good. She said that your words are also for your own good. If you have an accident, the queen mother will be worried. A man ran to the pond to watch the moon in the middle of the night. If you can't sleep, I can sleep with you. "Xiao Ru warmly comforted him.

Thousand-faced son's mouth twitched, and she glanced at her, remembering that she had stuck to herself like a dog skin plaster these days, and that mouth kept chirping, only to hear that his ears were about to grow grass. Sleep on your own?

When he thinks about it, he feels ... terrible!

"Are you cold? How did you chill?" Xiao Ru asked with concern.

Thousand-faced son shook his head, pointed at the back room of the Gong room, and then fled into the desert.

"Qianqian, are you going to go out of Gong? I happened to have a stomachache, let's go together." Xiaoru followed.

Thousand-faced son's face was green, he was held by Xiaoru, and it was not thrown away, nor let her pull it. At this time, he really regretted why he pretended to be a dumb!

Now I can't tell you anymore!

Su Jin did not stay in Guanju Palace for too long, so she returned to Shoukang Palace and told Empress Zhou.

Empress Zhou was absent-minded, interrupting her before she finished.

"Su Jin, send someone to see the emperor. The Ai family always feels terrified, like something bad is going to happen, this is a thousand things, you don't have to go in person in the future, just let our people pay more attention to it. After all, she had a good life. The Ai family didn't care. The Ai family just worried about the emperor. "

"Yes, the empress dowager." Su Jin busy sent the clever little supervisor to get the news.

Not long after Shen Ning sent away Su Jin, Primary 4 ran into Guanju Palace.

"Queen empress, the emperor summoned something urgent in the imperial study."

"In a hurry?"

Shen Ning frowned, and stood up immediately, "Okay, I'll go right away."

When she came to Yushufang, she saw many princes standing outside the door of Yushufang. The expression on everyone's face was very dignified. When she saw her, she saluted.

"Masters, why are you standing outside the door?" She asked in surprise.

The ministers' faces were embarrassed, and they bowed their heads in silence.

Primary 4 whispered: "The emperor was furious inside, and they all drove them out."


"Yes, so the queen's mother and daughter go in quickly, and only you can make the empress no longer angry." Xiao Si replied.

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