Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1573: Into a falling dog

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"Goodong!" He opened his mouth to call for help, and the cold pool water immediately poured into his mouth. He took a sip, and the tears in his eyes rolled down his cheeks like crystal dewdrops.

He did not believe that the young emperor would see him drowning and would just stand by and watch!

He began to drink the water in a big gulp and slowly stopped struggling. The beautiful fairy-like figure slowly sank towards the bottom of the pool, but he kept his eyes wide open and looked at the shore of the pool instantly. The man ...

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"It seems that a stone has fallen into the pond!"

Hearing the moving eunuchs and the court ladies wake up from their dreams, they ran out to check, and what they saw was the picture of a thousand-faced son slowly sinking in the pond.

"Ah! Thousands of girls!" Xiao Si hurried over, and at a glance saw the son of Thousand Faces, he exclaimed.

"Save people, save people quickly! What do you all do in there!"

Mo Chuan's figure in black was hidden in the dark, and no one who hurried came to discover his existence.

People in the palace suddenly woke up and jumped into the pond like dumplings to save people. Primary four jumped without hesitation.

This beautiful girl like a fairy can't drown like this anyway!

He had only one thought in his heart, looking in the pond with his eyes wide open. The pond was dark in the night. He reached out and grabbed, and suddenly caught a smooth and delicate arm, grabbed firmly at the moment, and led him to the surface.

Thousand-faced son drank a belly of water, and as long as he jumped down for a little while in the fourth night, he almost changed from a fake water ghost into a real daffodil.

He fell to the shore, leaned on Xiaosi, and began to spit out the water in his belly bitterly, scolding Mochuan, who was hopelessly dead, seven or eight thousand times.

Damn it! Damn it! Blind man!

No, he is not a man! Because no man in this world is indifferent to seeing such a beauty falling into the water!

Only that monster called Mo Chuan!

"Qianqian girl, are you better?" Xiaosi flapped on his back to help him spit out water.

He asked with some anxiety, remembering the scene just now that he was afraid after a while, if Qian Qian was really drowned, this matter spread to the ears of the queen mother, and it was a storm. The queen mother would definitely think of the queen queen. Can't tolerate this beauty like a vixen, so she deliberately killed her.

Things like this happen too much in the palace, and it's not uncommon for them to happen long ago.

But Primary Four believed that the Queen Mother would never do such a thing.

Thousand-faced son finally spit out the water he drank, and only felt that his body was weak, like a serious illness.

He leaned on Xiaosi's shoulder and nodded weakly. The delicate and feeble appearance raised pity in everyone's heart. The eunuchs looked at Xiaosi with envious and jealous eyes. , I wish I couldn't live in a different place from myself, and let this charming beauty lean on me.

"Okay, people have been rescued, nothing is wrong, you all go down."

Primary 4 saw the hot eyes of the people around him looking at Qianqian's body soaked in water, but only felt uncomfortable. Although these people were either maidens or eunuchs, a girl who had not left the house was seen by so many people. The body is not always a good thing.

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