Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1571: Manjusahua by the water

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He was full of thoughts and turned over and over in the bed, how could he sleep well.

Since she couldn't sleep, she simply went out and explored the terrain.

Speaking of this, this is not the first time he came to Guanju Palace. When he came last time, he once opened a killing ring, killing all the people in the palace without leaving, and ran a fish that was leaking the net. Little fool!

Of course, the fool fish named Xiaoru was also deliberately let go. If he really wanted her life, let alone one Xiaoru, ten Xiaoru could not live.

But at the time, he didn't want to let Xiaoru die!

Among the people who had caused him to hang in front of the city gate without clothes, there was also an accomplice. She also took off her socks and stuffed it in her mouth, almost did not smoke him to death!

This hatred is not reported, how could he let Xiaoru die so happily?

Thousand-faced Master quietly got up, and he knew that since the last time he accidentally exposed the track, the suspicious and cautious emperor began to send manpower and secret guards to protect the Guanju Palace similar to the iron tube, even outside A fly that flies in will be dealt with silently by the dark guards hiding in the dark.

But they couldn't think of it anyway. A large living person like him entered the Guanju Palace under the eyes of everyone.

Although he entered the palace, he did not dare to take it lightly, because in the dark, there were countless pairs of eyes staring at it. As long as he showed a little bit of flaws, he would lose his life.

He wore a long, reachable black hair, bare feet, wearing a tulle-like long skirt, step by step out of the room, and came to the Qinghui yard.

Even if he was hit by someone, he wasn't afraid at all. He could be said that he had just arrived on the first day and couldn't sleep well, so he wanted to come out for a walk, to breathe, and it won't cause others any doubt.

There is a pond in the yard, and the clear mirror-like water reflects the moon in the sky, and clearly reflects his like a moonlight fairy.

Even he couldn't help being attracted by the figure in the water, stepping closer to the pond, standing by the water, staring quietly at his reflection.

A long misty hair, gently flicked by the evening wind, a few strands of green silk brushed his white and charming face, added a bit of charm to him, those hooked eyes immersed in the mist , Seems more and more blurred.

What a beauty!

He couldn't help but caress Yun Yun, looking at himself indifferently, with a whimper in his heart.

He never knew that a woman dressed as a woman would be as beautiful as a country. How does this look compare to that woman who hated his bones?

Staring at himself in the water, the appearance of Shen Ning appeared in his mind, and he secretly compared in his mind.

He is like a manjusahua by the water, charming and enchanting, and Shen Ning is like a lotus in the water, slim and slim, beyond reach.

But any man will surely become obsessed with himself the first time he sees him. Delicate roses are always more eye-catching, aren't they?

Qianmianzi looked at himself and smiled with satisfaction.

When he smiled, the beautiful girl in the water smiled, too.

Suddenly, his smile froze all over his face, and his misty eyes widened instantly, staring blankly at the pond like a mirror.

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