Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1569: Grab the man's heart

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"Who is the man in this world who doesn't fall for him? As soon as he showed up, even your father looked straight at you, don't think your daughter didn't see it!" Zhaorong County's main mouth said openly.

"Cough cough!"

Ning Guogong's old face turned red again, showing embarrassment, and he coughed a few words to cover up the past.

When he thought about it, his daughter's words made some sense. The confusing eyes of these thousands of girls looked at them. How many men could be foolish? The so-called beautiful meal is enough to look at this beautiful face alone. Who can still think about whether this beauty will play the piano and sing and sing poetry?

However, he always needed a reason to send her into the palace to hide his true purpose.

"Thousands of thousands, you don't know all the talents of the ladies, then do you have any other specialties? As a woman, you don't know how to do anything? Didn't your mother teach you anything?" Gong didn't give up and asked again.

Who said Lao Tzu would not do anything, Lao Tzu would kill someone! I have killed more people than you have eaten!

But this can't be said anyway.

Thousand-faced son thought about it, and really remembered that besides killing, he still had a skill.

That is his cooking!

Because the owner of Zixiao Pavilion likes food, he is the young master of Zixiao Pavilion, so he naturally wants to get the favor of the patriarch, so he digs out the recipe and thinks about the recipe. The cooking is so good, the dishes are so fragrant, even the discerning Zixiao Pavilion Master is full of praise.

Thousand-faced son thought of this and made a gesture of cooking and cooking.

"What does this mean?" Ning Guogong didn't understand it, frowned: "If you have anything, just say, what does it look like in a stupid way!"

The master of Zhaorong Busy said: "Dad, he can't speak for thousands of years, he and he are dumb!"

"Mute!" Ning Guogong was taken aback. He glared at Qianqian, and suddenly deflated, shouting: "Nice! Zhao Rong, you are now more and more nonsense! You actually let him send a mute to the palace , Also wanting to share the favor of your emperor's cousin, aren't you nonsense! "

The master of Zhaorong County muttered his mouth: "What's the matter with the daughter's nonsense, Qianqian is dumb, but his eyes can talk, daddy, if you don't believe it, just look at his eyes, the emperor's cousin saw , Won't she be hooked on her? "

Moving in Ning Guogong's heart, he couldn't help but look into Qianqian's eyes. At first glance, she only felt that her eyes were watery, charming and bright, and she was still lingering.

Not bad! Sure enough, there is a pair of talking eyes!

Ning Guogong smiled, and Yan Yue said: "What did you mean by the gesture you just made?"

Qianmianzi made another cooking gesture, and then made a gesture of picking vegetables into his mouth.

Now Ning Guogong and Zhaorong County Master all understood.

"Dad, he said he would cook vegetables!" Zhaorong County screamed.

"Can you cook?"

Ning Guogong pondered for a moment, and nodded slightly: "Yes, this craft is good, it is a hundred times stronger than the skill of poetry! Daughter, did father say anything to you?"

Zhaorong County Lord coquettishly said: "Daddy said too much, how could the daughter remember every sentence?"

Ning Guogong smiled and said: "To grasp the man's heart, he must first grasp his stomach. Poor women like Thousands of Thousands do not know how to cook poems and songs. If they learn how to cook, they will never worry about getting married.

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