Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1567: Moonlight Fairy

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He hoped that one day, Chu Shaoyang could lead the Xichu Xiongbing to march eastward, defeat East Qin, and rescue the first emperor back to the dynasty.

But what he could not have imagined was that Chu Shaoyang, who he cultivated with all his energy, would one day fall back to bite him, and this bite just happened to bite on his weakness, disappointing and saddening him.

How can he tell Shen Ning about his thoughts? I had to bury it deeply in my heart.

Mo Chuan took a deep breath and expelled all the thoughts in his mind.

It is useless to think of more now, it is better to seize the time to learn Chen Fa's strategy and defend against the enemy.

He picked up the soldier's book, calmed down, and began to read it carefully.

Suddenly, his ears moved, and he heard the sound of Suo Suo in the courtyard, as if someone was standing on tiptoe and approaching this direction little by little.

who? Do not sleep late at night, what are you doing here?

Obviously it is not good intentions!

Mo Chuan's brow furrowed, and he jumped up, jumped to the window, and gently pushed the window a little to look out.

I saw the bright moonlight spilling over the courtyard, like the mercury flowing all over the place, the moonlight was very beautiful.

In this beautiful moonlight, there is a very beautiful young girl, wearing a crow-feather-like black hair, red snow-white feet, tiptoe, walking like a spotless foot, like moonlight The fairy landed in the world, and the breath would be taken away at the first sight.

She turned her back to the moonlight and looked vaguely, but Rao was so shocked by her beauty.

Mo Chuan ’s first reaction was: Is his own dazzling?

He settled down, and when he looked back, the beautiful girl had approached slowly, a white and beautiful face, a pair of cursing eyes, and a pair of cursed eyes, the eyes were slightly raised, and the endlessly charming and charming, just like Fox's eyes.

Could it be a vixen?

Mochuan suddenly flashed the words of Primary Four in her mind. She turned out to be the cook who looked like a coquette!

An idea similar to Shen Ning came up in his heart. How could such a beautiful woman do bad work, and why did she just become a cook.

Then, a suspicious sinus also came to mind.

Why did the mother send such a beauty to Guanju Palace, what does she mean?

Thousands of beautiful girls are naturally the appearance of those thousand-faced boys turning into women's clothing.

The leader of Zhaorong County was stung by insects, and it was hard to bear. Since he recorded this hatred on Shen Ning's head, he told her that he was going to send the red man into the palace when he returned to the government. Father Ning Guogong said with his teeth that he would use this beauty in red to take the heart of the emperor's cousin, so that Shen Ning lost his favor and was beaten into the cold palace.

She naturally would not reveal the true identity of the son in red as the killer of Zixiaoge, but just made up a reason randomly, saying that this was the girl she saved inadvertently. In order to repay her life-saving grace, she gave herself to herself .

Ning Guogong has seen countless peerless beauties in his life, but after seeing a thousand-faced son's women's clothing, he was still shocked to keep his eyes open.

Thousand-faced son was uncomfortable with Ning Guogong's hot eyes, a big man was stared at by another old man with that kind of eyes, this feeling was like eating flies like nausea, he could not wait to treat Ning Two eyes were dug out, but now he has no skill, just like the abandoned man, he has to obey the arrangement of Zhaorong County Lord, not to mention that he will also help him complete the plan of revenge by the hand of Zhaorong County Lord.

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