Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1546: Leave without saying goodbye

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Stepping forward, the right palm was pressed against the door of the room. When the internal force spit out, the latch inside broke.

Opening the door, seeing the scene in the room, Shen Ning and Chasing Wind were stunned.

They thought Gu Qingze must have been in an accident, but all the furnishings in the room were in good condition, unblemished, and the lines were not messy. The futons on the bed were neatly stacked, but the people of Gu Qingze were gone.

"Not good! The ancient magician must have happened, and his subordinates will go after it!"

The first response to chasing the wind was to rush outside.

"No need, chase the wind, no need to go, my master, he is fine."

Shen Ning sighed quietly, her eyes fell on a letter on the table, walked over, opened it, and saw only two words on it: take care.

It was Gu Qingze's handwriting.

She looked at the words staring blankly, sour and astringent, warm and sweet, and speechless for a moment.

"Queen empress, do you say he is okay with the doctor?" Chasing the wind asked suspiciously, swept the corner of her eyes, and saw the letter in her hand, suddenly realized.

"So he has left the magician?"

Shen Ning slowly nodded, with a melancholy expression: "Yeah, my master, he left, he didn't say goodbye. I said I would come to see him, but he left without waiting for me. , He must be angry with me, so he does n’t want to see me ... "

She bit her lip, her throat choked, and couldn't talk anymore. The tears in her eyes rolled, and she couldn't express her sadness.


Chasing the wind is also a face of sadness. He looked at Shen Ning's sad face, and his heart was not much better than her. Just thinking that he had received a great grace like the ancient magic doctor, but he didn't have time to repay, the benefactor left like this, even His wish to send a ride was not realized.

"Queen empress, although he left, he shouldn't have gone too far, and his subordinates thought they could catch up with him."

"Chasing?" Shen Ning raised his head, looked around the empty room, and shook his head: "No need to chase, my master left early in the morning, just to avoid me deliberately, since he didn't want to see Me, even if I catch up, what can I do? I'm afraid it will annoy him. "

Chasing the wind hesitated for a while, and then said: "If the ancient medical doctor is angry with the queen's mother, but the subordinates have not offended him, the subordinate wants to ask the mother to allow him to let him go and send him a ride."

"Are you going?" Shen Ning's eyes lit up suddenly and nodded slightly: "Yes, you will soon catch up with my master with your kung fu. Well, since this is the case, you will send me a free master for you. This you also Take it with me and give it to the master. You remember to tell him that I will go to the Shenji Valley to find him after I finish things, let him take good care of his body and wait for me.

She handed the medical book in her hands to the wind.

Chasing the wind solemnly closed, said: "That belongs to."

He flew up, went up to the roof, and disappeared after a few jumps.

Shen Ning stood in the yard, watching the wind disappear in front of her eyes, remembering that Gu Qingze walked away like this, feeling sad.

"Queen empress."

Suddenly came the voice of Zhang Taiyi behind him.

She looked back and saw that Taiji Zhang was walking into the courtyard, but she was carrying a burden in her hand and saluted respectfully to her.

"Mr. Zhang doesn't have to be too polite, do you know my master he ... has already gone?" She stared at Mrs. Zhang.

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