Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1544: Ning Guogong's conspiracy

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"Then why did you ask my brother to come to our mansion for no reason? What kind of thing is he worthy of stepping into our mansion?" Zhao Rongjun's face was contemptuous.

As you can see, the elder brother did not have any weight in her heart.

Ning Guogong patted her shoulder and said with a smile: "His identity is not important, whether he is worthy of you or not, it is just that you want to avenge, your master is a very suitable candidate, you just take care He summoned, and the following things are arranged by the father himself, which will definitely make you do what you want. "

Hearing the words, Lord Zhaorong was surprised and delighted. He took Ning Guogong's sleeve and raised his face and shouted, "Daddy, have you figured it out? You ... you tell your daughter!"

"Now this method can't be said, only after seeing your father and brother for your father, can you know whether this strategy will work." Ning Guogong smiled yawningly.

Lord Zhaorong couldn't wait to get out of bed: "Okay, the daughter immediately wrote to the master. As long as he received the letter from the daughter, the master, he will definitely come without a break."

She was very confident in this world, because in this world, other than her emperor's cousin made her unsure, other men saw her and immediately fell under her pomegranate skirt.

In this three-year career in arts and crafts, which man in the entire division did not fall for the sake of her, a master brother naturally cannot see her.

Yu Study.

This night, Mo Chuan didn't even have his eyes closed. He read Shen Ning's "Thirty-Six Strategies" and "Sun Tzu Art of War" over and over and read it several times.

It was only when the light of the sky was bright that he put down the book with unwillingness.

Turning his head, he saw that Shen Ning was lying on the case and had already fallen asleep.

Seeing her sleeping so sweetly, he couldn't bear to wake her up, but today is the day to see off Gu Qingze. If she misses it, she will be guilty for a long time, so he still hardened his heart, on her shoulder. Gently pushed.

"Ning'er, it's dawn, wake up."

Shen Ning opened her eyes confusedly: "Is the sky going to dawn? So fast?"

She rubbed her eyes and looked out the window. Sure enough, she saw that Xiao Se had stained the window paper. She jumped up and shouted, "Oh, it's really dawning, Mochuan, why didn't you wake me up early!"

"It's not too late to wake you up now. At this time, the gate of Chenchen hasn't opened yet, and you can't walk away, Master." Mo Chuan put down the scroll and petted her curly hair pettingly.

"Mo Chuan, are you really going to see me off with the master? Are you up early?" She blinked.

Mo Chuan froze for a moment, thinking for a moment and thinking, "You go first, and I will arrive as soon as I go down. Just as you and your apprentice may have something to say, I am not present, but your master will be more comfortable."

He always felt that Gu Qingze had a vague hostility towards himself, but he didn't care.

"Okay, then I will go now. If I go too late, I'm afraid the master can't wait." She got up smilingly, sorted out her dress, and then picked up a volume of books she had just written last night and hugged Arms.

"What are you holding? Could it be a soldier's book?" Mo Chuan glanced curiously.

"Not a soldier's book, but a medical book about acupuncture that my master always wanted to read." Shen Ning's expression lowered his head somewhat sadly.

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