Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1541: Have a hatred against bugs

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The leader of Zhaorong cried while waving his sleeves desperately, driving away all kinds of insects that were still flying towards her.

Although the guards kept chasing her with a torch, all of these bugs were dead. The former servants, like the hatred and hatred with her, never died with her.

"You ... are you really Zhao Rong? God, how can you become like this?"

Ning Guogong finally heard his daughter's voice. His hands were shaking. He didn't care about the daughter's disgusting stuff, and he embraced Zhao Rong, and two tears came down.

"Quick! You **** fools, don't go to the doctor too soon! Go!"

"Come here! Quickly send the master back to the house, and you must kill all these things on the master, hurry! Hurry!"

Ningguo Gonggong sent the embarrassed Zhaorong County Master into his room.

The people in the house hurriedly prepared hot water to bathe the Lord Zhaorong.

When the Lord Zhaorong took a bath, the mosquitoes were still desperately flying towards the Lord Zhaorong's room, and the maidservants were so scared that the doors and windows were tightly closed without revealing any gaps.

After the Lord Zhaorong took a bath seven or eight times in a row, the taste of the insect attractant powder was completely washed away. The mosquitoes and bees could not smell the smell, so they flew like headless flies for a while, and then scattered away.

The maidservants were relieved and lifted the leader of Zhaorong County out of the bath barrel, but the leader of Zhaorong County had been stung and wrapped all over his body, large and small, all over the body, stinged by bees, bitten by mosquitoes Yes, there are bedbug bites too, it's so painful, but she can't bear to cry and cry.

The doctor quickly hurried over and saw the appearance of the leader of Zhaorong County. He was shocked. He finished the pulse to the leader of Zhaorong County. He prescribed a prescription and took out a tube of ointment to Ning Guogong.

"Master Duke, this is a tube of refreshing mint ointment, which can temporarily relieve the pain and itching for the hostess, but the toxins accumulated in the girl's body need to be removed slowly by taking medicine."

"Toxin? What poison did Zhao Rong have?" Ning Guogong's eyes widened.

The doctor said quickly: "Because the lady of the county master was injured by bees stings in many places, some bee venom accumulated in the body, not poisoning, as long as you take the medicine according to the prescription, it will not cause any harm."

Ning Guogong nodded, and sent someone to send the doctor away, and let his maid help Zhao Rong to apply medicine.

He walked out of the room, and the more he thought about it, the more strange it was. Zhao Rong went to fight with Gu Qingze in a good manner. How could it become like this, just like she had hatred with those bugs in her life, and the bugs came together Qiu general.

"Come here, find the guards who followed the lord to the martial arts, and the father-in-law should cross-examine them personally."

Ning Guogong sat in the hall, and the guards knelt in a row underneath.

"You tell the story of what happened today, and you should not miss a word!" He slammed **** the table with a sharp voice.

The guards were all terrified and trembling, but they still dared to tell the story of the leader of Zhaorong County to the ancient Qingze contest.

In fact, the process of the contest was very simple. As soon as Gu Qingze shot, he knocked out the whip of Zhaorong County Lord. They just blinked their eyes, and Zhaorong County Lord kneeled in front of Gu Qingze.

After hearing the reports from the guards, Ning Guogong felt more puzzled.

Zhao Rong lost to Gu Qingze, this matter was originally his expectation, so was his original intention.

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