Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1536: The most reluctant

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Mo Chuan heard this, but could n’t help but laugh, and shook his head: “I ’m a big general. I ’m just holding the Buddha ’s feet temporarily. I want to take a look at these soldiers’ books to see what Chu Shaoyang has learned in the past ten years. , Maybe you can find a way to deal with Chu Shaoyang, but the time is short, there are too many soldiers, I am afraid to pick up the lights to read at night, you will leave for tomorrow morning to go to the Shenji Valley, it is not early, go back to sleep, wait for tomorrow Early in the morning, I personally sent you to leave Beijing. "

He patted Shen Ning's shoulders, staring at her, and he couldn't help but reveal his feelings of nostalgia, but just flashed away, and quickly covered him up again.

The war is on the verge. At this time, he must not indulge in the affection of his children. He must send her to the dangerous place as soon as possible, and not let her suffer any slight damage.

Once the war between the two countries happened, he might really want to take the lead. When no one is sitting in Kyoto, she will stay here alone, how can he be assured?

Shen Ning said firmly: "Mochuan, I have already said, I will not leave, I want to stay with you!"

"Nonsense, no!" He refused without thinking.

"I did n’t mess around, and there was nothing wrong. At first, I said I wanted to leave, but now I said I want to stay. If you drive me away again, then I will really go, and I will never come back! Mochuan, Think about it, do you really want me to leave you? Do you really want me to leave you? "

She looked straight into his eyes, and the expression on her face was serious and serious.

Mo Chuan can see that she is not joking, she is absolutely serious, she will do it.

How could he be willing to leave her! How could he really want her to leave?

The so-called letting her go is just to protect her from the slightest harm. If she really left and never comes back, then he ... what is the point of doing all this!

Shen Ning noticed that his eyes changed slowly, from the initial resistance, to softening, to tenderness ...

"Silly girl, you know that I am reluctant. In this world, the person I am most reluctant is you!"

Mo Chuan whispered firmly but said, as his voice landed, his lips also fell on her lips, holding her in her arms and gently kissing her.

She closed her eyes and there were tears coming out of her eyes. Although he could not see his expression, but through his lingering and delicate kiss, she felt a pity that he was carefully held in his palm and made her heart sour. .

In this world, no one treats her better than Mo Chuan. In this world, there is only one Mo Chuan!

"Okay, since you decided to stay, then stay, just how do you tell your master? Does he agree with you to stay?"

Mo Chuan finally loosened her lips, and her deep, bright black eyes still looked at her instantaneously, only to see her heart pounding again.

She set her mind and said: "I promised the master. After three months, I will go to the Valley of God's Medicine, and he agreed."

Mo Chuan nodded: "I will see you off tomorrow morning with you."

"Are you really going to see you off?" Shen Ning's eyes widened.

"Of course, he is your master, and helped me a lot, and cured the mother's illness. I really don't know how to thank him. I wanted to give him a big gift ..."

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