Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1532: She repented

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"How did I rake it upside down?"

"Don't you forget that the other day you told me personally that you are leaving Kyoto to go to the Shenji Valley to learn art with your master for a year, and you don't remember it in a few days? You are still afraid that I will not agree, but now I Yes, why do n’t you want to go again? "

Shen Ning nodded seriously: "Yes, I regret it, I don't want to go, I want to stay here and be with you."

Mo Chuan gave a slight shock, then patted her hair and smiled: "No nonsense, you are about to set off tomorrow, how can you say regret and regret, if your master knows, he will be very angry. Go, I Now accompany you back to the palace and see how well Xiaoru ’s luggage is prepared. If you feel that you can only take Xiaoru with one person, you can not serve well. You can pick up a few more clever court ladies from the palace and take them away. What else do you want to take away, just tell me. "

"Okay, I just want to take away one thing, I'm afraid you won't agree."

"As long as you say, I must agree."

"You!" She said firmly.

"What?" Mo Chuan froze.

She said clearly: "I'm going to take you, it's you! If you refuse to follow me, then I will stay and stay with you, Mochuan, we said yes, but encountered any difficulties and obstacles, You have to face it together. Why do you face a crisis in Xichu? You are so eager to send me away because you do n’t want me to be in danger, do you? But do n’t forget, you are the emperor of Xichu, I It ’s the Queen of Xichu. How can I leave you and the country at this time and go to the Shenji Valley to stay away from the world? Then what other face do I have to be this queen, and what face do you face the people of Xichu? Ning, is it such a cowardly coward who is afraid of death? "

Mo Chuan couldn't help but stunned. He had never imagined that she would say something like this. For a moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart, but he didn't know how to speak. He could only hold her hand firmly and clasp his palm tightly.

After a while, he finally spoke slowly: "Ning'er, listen to me, things are not as serious as you think ..."

"Isn't it serious? If it's not serious, you would never wait for me to leave. Mochuan, you can't hide others, you can't hide me! The matter must have been very serious, isn't it? Command Xiaoru to prepare things for me, you just want to send me away early! "

Shen Ning interrupted him without waiting for him to finish.

She gritted her teeth, glared, and stood up abruptly, walking to the table and pointing at the map on the table.

"You tell me, what is this map?"

The map was marked with dense circles. Although she could not understand them, she knew that these circles were all marked by Mo Chuan.

Mo Chuan also slowly got up, walked to her, looked at the map, and sighed faintly.

"Okay, nothing really hides your eyes. Yes, this map is a map of the border between Xichu and South Vietnam. If the South Vietnamese country really sends troops, then this is the only way they can send troops. The terrain here. "

Shen Ning glanced at the map and said: "Hey, it seems that all of them are mountain roads, and the terrain seems to be very dangerous. This road must be difficult to go. If the South Vietnamese country sends troops, will it really take this road? ? "

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