Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1292: Let's play slowly

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Hearing the words, Chasing Wind's face instantly turned red through the ears.

"Yes, it's the incompetence of the subordinates, who has been taken by others." He was ashamed.

Mo Chuan originally said casually, but he didn't expect to guess, and he was stunned for a moment. He saw that Chasing Wind's head almost fell to the ground, knowing that he was extremely ashamed, so he stopped asking.

"You go down first, clean and come to see me again."

"Yes, Emperor Xie."

The wind chased away like an amnesty.

He was so upset in his heart that he almost broke his teeth.

This tracing, he can be said to have found nothing, no, the only harvest is the odor brought by a dung.

Chasing the wind has always thought that his tracking technique is unparalleled in the world. Although he did not boast Haikou in front of Shen Ning, he was confident.

Because he found an inadvertent clue left by the murderer in the corner, he chased down this clue.

His tracking was not very smooth. The traces left by the murderer were sometimes missing. If he had a handkerchief found in a room as small as his body, he would take it out and smell it from time to time. He lost the direction of tracking several times.

In this way, chasing along the way, the more remote the more remote, but the confidence in chasing the wind is also increasing.

This shows that he did not chase the wrong direction.

The murderer took Xiaoru away, and must have hidden her in a place where it was inaccessible. Only in such a place is the safest.

At the end of the front suddenly appeared a large house.

White walls and black tiles are very eye-catching.

Just under the white wall, the wind found a shallow footprint, and an earring, the smell on it was exactly the same as the smell on a handkerchief.

Chasing the wind can immediately conclude that the killer must have captivated Xiaoru into the wall.

Rao is like this.

He hung his ears under the corner of the wall and listened. Suddenly he heard a young girl's throat sound exclaimed "Ah", the voice was short, and he was quickly covered by his mouth.

And that sound seemed to be Xiaoru.

After chasing the wind and not thinking about it, he leapt to the top of the wall and saw that the figure in front of him blinked and disappeared in an instant.

He immediately jumped down and chased the figure.

Anyone knows that with a sudden "bash", his feet stepped into a soft place, and then smelled a bad smell.

Chasing the wind immediately realized that it was not good, and was about to stand up, but saw a dung bucket covered his head from the air, the bucket was full, and it had not fallen. The contents of the dung bucket He has been showered.

The smell was overflowing, and all his face was covered with dung, so he couldn't even open his eyes.

Only a low, melodious voice rang above his head.

"Huh, what the First Dark Guard, but that's it! This time I will give you a little lesson, come to Japan and grow up, we have some time to play slowly!"

The voice went away, never heard again.

Chasing the wind trapped in the dung pit, he was so angry that he just wanted to yell and yell, but when he opened his mouth, those dirty things were poured into his mouth. He had to close his mouth tightly and swallowed the dumb loss.

He wanted to get out of the dung pit, but as if he was stuck in a swamp, the deeper and deeper, the harder he is, the faster he sinks.

The heart chasing the wind could not help sinking.

Could it be that the first Dark Guard next to him was to be buried in a dung?

Fortunately, the dark guard sent by Mo Chuan arrived in time according to the slight clues left by him, before he was rescued from the pit.

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