Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1284: Perfect assassination

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Mo Chuan clapped his hands and suddenly said: "I know! The person who helped Zhao Rong to make a plan is the character in the Zixiao Pavilion! I haven't figured out how Zhao Rong was young when he was young. The meticulous and complicated means of revenge, if this series of things are planned and implemented by the people of Zixiaoge, then it makes sense. "

Shen Ning smiled faintly: "Mochuan, you still praise me for being smart, you are obviously much smarter than me."

Mo Chuan glared at her and said, "But I still can't figure it out. When I got married to you, Zhao Rong wasn't in the capital. She didn't even see you before. Why did she start with you?"

Shen Ning sighed quietly: "The person she hits is not necessarily me. The person she hated at the time was just your queen, no matter who was sitting in this position, she could not bear it."

Having said that, there was still a trace of doubt in her heart.

Because the first venomous snake incident impressed her very much, but it was an exquisite, extremely murderous plan with few flaws.

The second time she met the killer of Zixiao Pavilion, it was the little treasure who could shrink bones. Although the plan was also clever, it could not be compared with the first serial layout.

Today's incident in Guanju Palace is her third confrontation with the killer of Zixiaoge.

This time it was simpler and more direct. The other party couldn't find her, and directly slaughtered the court ladies and eunuchs to vent their anger. This kind of behavior was like a bad-tempered child. If they didn't eat sugar, they smashed their toys to vent.

Shen Ning's evaluation of this behavior is only two words: naive!

The master of Zhaorong County played two consecutive plays in Yushufang and Shoukang Palace. Although it was considered to have been designed and laid out, it was very rough, and she caught the flaw at once.

The following two assassinations plus Zhao Rong's performance, and the perfect assassination plan for the first time, do not seem to be from the same person!

But in any case, she finally saw two sharp objects reaching her slowly from a mist, with huge teeth of fangs, and she would kill her if she didn't pay attention.

It was just that she was on the bright side and the other side was dark. Now that the other side has exposed her identity, she Shen Ning will never sit still.

Tooth for teeth, to eyes for eyes!

This is her work style of Shen Ning.

"Mochuan, can you take me to Zhangtai Medical Palace tonight? I have something to ask my master."

"What do you want him to do? He must be able to teach you, I can't teach you?" Mo Chuan's face sank slightly when he heard Gu Qingze's name.

Although Gu Qingze developed the Pushing Crossbow, which was enough to shock the world, and he also very generously sent this inestimable drawing of the Pushing Crossbow to him, but he heard Shen Ning's trust and kind mention. "My master" these three words, he was unhappy.

Somehow, he always harbored a vague hostility towards Gu Qingze.

The better the opponent, the stronger his hostility.

Shen Ningliangjingjing's eyes looked at him, as if he had seen through his mind, and smiled: "Mochuan, if I don't know you well, I suspect you are eating my master's vinegar."

I'm jealous!

Mo Chuan shouted.

But his natural arrogance made him unable to admit it.

"Okay, I'll send you over in person." He rubbed her hair and spoiled him.

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