Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

In the past, every time she called Xiaoru's name, Xiaoru would rush out of the room like a happy bird, chattering around with her chattering and laughing.

That round little face is never sad, always with a sweet smile.

But now, her voice echoed in the empty courtyard, but no familiar smile appeared in front of her.

"Xiao Ru! Xiao Ru!"

Shen Ning didn't give up, she raised her voice and yelled, pushing open the door of a room while searching, looking carefully.

She has seen each of the corpses on the ground, and none of them are Xiaoru, so Xiaoru must be alive!

She must still be here, maybe hiding in a corner.

She searched from room to room, and searched every corner of Guanju Palace, but found nothing.

There is no such thing as!

No one sees life, no dead body ...

"Mochuan, you're about to order and send someone to find Xiaoru. I guess she must have escaped. She saw the murderer committing murder here, so she escaped. She didn't die, she really didn't die ... … "

Shen Ning grabbed Mo Chuan's hand and said anxiously.

She does not believe that Xiaoru will die, because there is no Xiaoru's body, so she will not die!

"Okay, I will send someone to find it immediately. Don't worry, Xiaoru will definitely be fine."

Mo Chuan patted her shoulder softly to appease, his eyes fell on those bodies, his pupils condensed into a black spot.

He had carefully examined the body just now, each of them had their heads cut off, and the fracture was extremely smooth and flat. Obviously, the murderer shot very quickly, and used a very sharp and very strange weapon, not a knife, nor Not a sword.

Although these maidens and eunuchs are not capable of martial arts, the murderer's method of killing them is very clean and incredibly fast, because the expression on everyone's face does not show panic and fear, but is very calm.

Obviously, when they did not realize the danger at all, death had already fallen on them.

What surprised Mo Chuan most was that there was only one murderer!

Because of this, he felt dangerous.

The murderer killed the court **** in Guanju Palace, Xiaoru disappeared. Obviously, the murderer's goal was not others, it was Shen Ning who lived in Guanju Palace!

Who exactly wants Ning'er's life?

Could this murderer be the same person who stole the poisonous snake for the wedding night?

Mo Chuan felt suspicious, but now is not the time to pursue the truth, he had to protect Shen Ning and he had to find Xiao Ru's whereabouts.

In the whole palace, except for him and Chasing Wind, I am afraid that no one is the opponent of this murderer, so during this time, he must protect her step by step.

"Ning'er, now the murderer has left, but no one knows when he will make a comeback. This man's martial arts are very strong. He can avoid the eyes and ears of the guards in the palace and sneak into the palace for unscrupulous killing, indicating that he is right The situation in the palace is very familiar. It is very likely that he did not really leave, but was hiding somewhere to wait for the opportunity, so you ca n’t leave me anyway. What I worry about now is whether the murderer will harm Mother? "

Mo Chuan couldn't help looking at Shoukang Palace.

Primary 4 has been going for so long, and there is still no news. If something happens to his mother, he will be blamed.

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