Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1260: Physical examination results

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The two grandmothers have a surname of Meng, who is the ceremonial priest of Zhengsipin etiquette, and the other surname, Jiang, who is in charge of the prince of the palace.

When Shen Ning was still in Dingyuan's palace, it was these two maids who were instructed by Shen Biyun, who wanted to use secrets to seize her hands and feet and be discerned by her.

I didn't expect to see them again in Shoukang Palace today.

There was a sneer in the corner of her mouth, and she looked in the direction of the bedroom. If she expected it well, the Lord Zhaorong was in that room.

She didn't say a word, just wanted to see what tricks the Lord Zhaorong could play.

"Have you seen it?" Empress Zhou asked Shen Sheng.

"Go back to the queen mother and the slaves, the slaves see it very clearly." The two mothers replied in unison.

"The result?" Queen Mother Zhou asked again.

The people present held their breath and the needle fell audible.

Everyone's eyes fell on the two mothers.

Shen Ning felt a little strange. The leader of Zhaorong County was too courageous. She had nothing to do with Mo Chuan. How could she agree to let Grandma check her?

Didn't this leak immediately fill up?

Although Lord Zhaorong is not so smart, he will not be stupid enough to take his own initiative!

"Back to the queen mother, she ... she ..."

It was Meng Meng who was talking, her face was embarrassed, and she was unclear.

"Hurry up!" Empress Zhou said tightly, and said sharply.

"Yes, the empress dowager, the governor she ... she is indeed a complete body." Ms. Meng lowered her head and whispered.

Empress Zhou nodded, but her expression was calm, as if she knew the result long ago.

She looked at Mo Chuan coldly: "Emperor, what else do you have to say?"

Mo Chuan was stunned.

His first reaction was: impossible!

There must be two testimony grandma lying, because this is absolutely impossible!

Shen Ning was also taken aback. She kept staring at the two maids, observing their actions.

Grandma Jiang did not lie, but her expression was strange.

What Shen Ning can conclude is that even if these two testimony grandmothers ate Xiongxin leopard gall, they would never dare to make a ghost in front of Mrs. Zhou, so the leader of Zhaorong County must have broken.

But how did she break her body? When did you break your body?

this is the key of the problem.

"The mother, whether Zhao Rong is complete or not, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with the children."

After Mo Chuan was surprised, he quickly calmed down.

Has he ever done it, he knows it best, even if he is unconscious, he will never do such a thing to Zhao Rong in a coma.

It was said that Empress Zhou was trembling with anger, trying to beat Mochuan with a cane, but found that the cane had been thrown aside.

"Su Jin, take the family method!" She screamed sharply: "The Ai family should teach this thing today that they do not admit to doing wrong things and do not grow!"

Mo Chuan stood proudly: "Even if the mother killed her son today, she would never be held responsible for what she did not do."

"You ... you still have to talk hard!"

Empress Zhou shivered straight, pointing at Mochuan with a sharp voice.

"Very well, Ai's family will kill you this injustice, infidelity and filial piety today!" She pushed away Su Jin who helped her, picked up the leading cane, and hit the shoulder of Mo Chuan heavily.

"Queen Mother, don't!"

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