Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Empress Zhou frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Shen Ning thought, without stopping, the Zhaorong County Lord came to a wicked man to complain, and wronged himself before Zhou Tai, splashing his own dirty water, and then he had no choice but to report it.

She took out a small cloth bag and put her hands on it: "Please see this thing after the mother, you can understand the meaning of the courtier."

Empress Zhou gave Su Jin an apprehension. Su Jin stepped forward and picked it up, and sent it to the back of Tai Zhou. She opened it gently.

Inside are a few flying knives with sharp edges and a chill.

The two of them were puzzled and looked at Shen Ning.

"The sister-in-law at that time shot the daughter-in-law with this flying knife. The emperor was awake and didn't wake up. The daughter-in-law didn't understand martial arts. If the chase came in time, the daughter-in-law had been killed under the flying knife ..."

Before she finished speaking, both Empress Zhou and Su Jin took a breath.

Empress Zhou did not want to say it: "Nonsense, absolutely impossible! Nothing like this!"

Shen Ningqi said calmly: "Sister-in-law and daughter-in-law will never injustice a good person. Please look carefully at the handle of this flying knife, you can know whether the daughter-in-law's words are true or false."

Wen Yan said that both Empress Zhou and Su Jin looked at the handle of Fei Dao, and only a few words were carved on the handles of "Rong". Both of them knew the handwriting of Zhaorong County Master. Undoubtedly.

Empress Zhou was speechless, and Su Jin was even more convinced.

The principal of Zhaorong County returned to Kyoto after his studies. When he came to visit Empress Zhou, he did perform a stunt of flying knives. The shape and size of the flying knives were exactly the same as those in front of him.

At that time, Empress Zhou and Su Jin were all amazed and praised.

At this time, listening to Shen Ning's words, even Empress Zhou made a guilty confession in her heart. Does Zhao Rong really dare to go against it, and pierce the Queen?

Shen Ning said this but did not injustice the Lord Zhaorong, but only intentionally obscured the place where things happened, but the facts are the facts.

"After chasing the wind and cutting off the flying knife that the county master launched to his wife, the county master was anxious and made a few unspeakable words. The sentences were all insults to the innocence of the courtier. , Insulting the courtier and daughter-in-law is equivalent to humiliating the dignity of the royal family, so the courtier and daughter-in-law sent the wind to teach the governor a little, and now after listening to the mother ’s teachings, she realized that the courtier and daughter-in-law did something wrong, and that the governor ’s daughter committed great For the crime of disrespect, the daughter-in-law only let Chae Feng hit her in the face, the punishment was too light, or she should follow the instructions of her mother, and punish him more seriously. "

Shen Ning's ridiculous words only blocked Queen Zhou's chest from breathing up and down, and couldn't help coughing again and again.

"Cough, cough cough!"

She lowered her head, her old face had a fever, and she scolded her heart. How could this girl have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth? No words were spared. All she used to say was to stop her mouth!

Su Jin was secretly funny in her stomach, and she stepped forward to help Queen Mother Zhou pat her back, and whispered: "The Queen Mother is paying attention to her body. The wind is strong here. Let's go into the room and say it. The Queen Mother is still kneeling."

She deliberately moved a ladder to step down for Empress Zhou.

Empress Zhou coughed for a while before she stopped coughing. She understood Su Jin ’s hint and was angry and hate in her heart, but she still had to say: “Queen, you get up first, what happened in the Imperial Study I will find Zhuifeng and Xiaosi again and ask if it is Zhaorong's rudeness first.

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