Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1248: Xiaoru's thoughts

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Suddenly, the wind chased and replied: "The emperor is assured that his subordinates will never leave half a step."

Mo Chuan nodded. Although Chasing the Wind was a dead man, he was the most secure and safe in his work. He would definitely finish his business with meticulous attention, and never miss anything.

"Ning'er, let's go!"

After the explanation, he turned back to hold Shen Ning, started light work, and ran towards Guanju Palace.

The guards and eunuchs in the palace almost fell off their jaws when they saw this scene.

what's going on?

The emperor actually held the empress queen, neither in a sedan nor in a car, and ran faster than a horse. Was there anything serious about 100,000?

Shen Ning wanted to laugh again, but she was also shy, thinking of what was about to happen, she could not help getting nervous even without experience.

Look at this impatient appearance of Mo Chuan, thinking that he has endured for so long, if he loses control for a while, his timid body may be unable to bear it.

She was suddenly scared and regretted.

At Guanju Palace, Mochuan held her and went straight to the bedroom. Xiaoru was cleaning the room. When the two of them came in, they were startled.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

She saw Shen Ning held tightly by Mo Chuan in her arms, and her instinct was that Shen Ning had something unexpected.

"Go out!"

Mo Chuan didn't want to say more than one word, and now in his eyes, only Shen Ning was alone.

Xiao Ru heard Mo Chuan's harsh tone and was so scared that she was pale, but she cared about Shen Ning. Instead of leaving, she took a step closer to Shen Ning.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Shen Ning blushed like Feixia, she shook her head and said: "Xiao Ru, I'm fine, you go out first, we ... we have something to say."

"Oh." Xiaoru was relieved, and then backed out and took the door.

She was a little sullen in her heart. In the past, the elder lady would not hide herself from anything, but now, since the elder lady married the emperor, her words were only spoken to the emperor. .

Xiaoru puckered his mouth and sat down on the steps, staring at the palace gate with his chin in a daze.

She hasn't seen Primary Four for several days. She couldn't see it when she was in the palace, and she couldn't see it when she went to Zhang Tai Medical Mansion.

Where did he go in Primary Four?

Why did the emperor come, but he still can't see the shadow of Primary Four, isn't he the emperor's follower? Where the emperor is, he should be!

What she didn't know was that the fourth grade did not appear in Guanju Palace these days, all from Mochuan's advice.

It was precisely because of the awareness of Xiaoru ’s thoughts about Xiaosi that he never missed it, Mo Chuan specifically instructed Xiao Si. Nothing was allowed to appear in Guanju Palace, causing Xiao Si to be confused. Secretly sad for a long time.

As soon as Xiaoru left, Mo Chuan held Shen Ning and ran straight to the inner room. She placed her on the soft, thick bed and kissed it without a word.

"Um, Mochuan ..."

Shen Ning's cheeks flew red, just thought of a reason, before being able to exit, Mo Chuan was blocked in the mouth.

Under her was a soft and fragrant bedding, her chin was fixed by Mo Chuan's hand, and she was not allowed to dodge.

His lips lingered on her lips, from shallow to deep, from gentle to hot, and there was a fire that slowly ignited in her heart and body, and soon burned more and more.

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