Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1240: Give you the queen

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

She pointedly chasing the wind and shouted: "I am the Lord of Zhaorong County. Have you forgotten the identity of the Lord of the County? This is in the palace, in the emperor's royal study, is it your place to spread the wild! In front of the emperor , You guys are just like this, it ’s really a good match ... husband ... **** ... "

The word "women" hadn't been exported yet, Shen Ningxiu raised her eyebrows and said, "Chasing the wind, palm your mouth!"


Chasing the wind has long been disappointed by the arrogance of the leader of Zhaorong County. Last time, because of the identity of her leader, he did not dare to do anything casually. It just shattered her carriage. Dare to take action against the Queen Mother and speak out against the Queen Mother and her reputation, he never wanted to endure anymore.


Several crisp slaps sounded, and there were several red fingerprints on the left and right cheeks of Zhaorong County Lord.

Chasing the wind did not use internal force, these slaps only hit the Zhaorong County Master for a while, and he was not injured.

This is the case with Rao, which has been a shame and humiliation that the Lord Zhaorong has never experienced since his birth.

"What are you, dare to beat the master of the county, your pair of dogs ... men and women, the county mainly treats you with cramps and corpses!"

Zhaorong County's main character was corrupted and her eyes were blood red, and she hated Shen Ning and Chasing the Wind to the extreme, but she was afraid of Chasing the Wind and dared not to move forward.

"I was ordered by the queen's mother, what the queen's mother would do to her subordinates, what the subordinates would do." Zhuifeng replied coldly.

"What a queen queen! You said this little **** vixen is a queen ... queen queen? Huh, she also deserves it!"

The master of Zhaorong smirked, and apparently did not believe at all.

"Why, this palace is not worthy of being a queen queen, then the county hostess feels that she is suitable for this position, is it? Well, as long as the emperor agrees, this palace is willing to give you the back seat."

Shen Ning smiled slightly, simply calling himself the palace.

The master of Zhaorong was furious and was about to yell at him, and his eyes were swept away. He was falling on Shen Ning's waist, and suddenly he was stunned as if he had been acupunctured.

A silk ribbon hangs on Shen Ning's waist, and a phoenix-shaped jade is tied on it. Yingbai is a rare piece of beautiful jade.

She is a person who knows the goods, knowing that such treasures are very unusual, and then look carefully, it seems like the empress of the Western Chu Kingdom passed from generation to generation ...

Is it true that she is really a queen?

Zhaorong County Master took a breath, raised his head, and stared at Shen Ning in disbelief.

"You ... are you really a queen?" She squeezed out a few words with a toothache.

Shen Ning didn't care about Shunsun's hair, which was shaken by the palm wind. She found a chair and sat down, looking at her flawlessly.

"It's not good to be a queen. Isn't it beaten and scolded by me? My queen is really tasteless. When the emperor wakes up, I will tell the emperor that I am not the queen. This is what he loves. . "

Upon hearing this, Lord Zhaorong was shocked and happy, but he couldn't care about the pain in his cheek, and asked, "Really? Are you talking?"

Shen Ning smiled and said, "Of course, this palace is also the queen anyway. When you say it, it's like splashing water. How can it be recovered. Follow the wind, you give this palace a witness. If the emperor wakes up, this palace will immediately Will ask him to resign, not the queen of the queen of Rush.

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