Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1237: Something serious

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Shen Ning looked at this scene and only felt funny.

Primary 4 is really loyal to the Lord, does he think he can attract his attention with this trick? He also looked at Shen Ning too small.

She pushed again on the door, but she still didn't push it away. She listened to her ears quietly and quietly in the Yu Study.

If Mo Chuan is there, he will definitely hear his own voice and will come to open the door.

So, something must have happened inside.

At this time, the chasing the wind and Xiao Sizheng in the courtyard were fierce. Shen Ning didn't look at the two. They directly smashed the window paper with a punch, and went in, opened the latch, and walked in without hesitation.

"Ah!" Xiao Si saw this scene in the corner of his eyes, and his chin almost fell off. He hurriedly tried to catch up with it, but he was caught by the wind and could not get out.

"Chasing you as a fool, what are you doing to me, stop your hands!" He yelled angrily.

"Why do you scold me again? Primary four, I didn't offend you! Besides, obviously it was your first move, you ..." Chasing the wind began Barbara said non-stop, his hands were nonstop, and he was entangled in the primary Can't get away at all.

"Chasing the wind, you're about to stop. I'm going in to stop the Queen Mother, or something big will happen!"

Xiao Si shouted, and no longer had to chase the wind and slammed into his palm, turned around and ran to the Imperial Study.

Chasing the wind has hit the back of Xiaosi, and he stiffened in the air, staring blankly at Xiaosi, confused.

With a bang, just as Xiao Si was about to enter Yushu Study, the two doors closed suddenly in front of him.

Primary 4 couldn't make it, and hit it with one end. The tip of his nose just hit the door frame. He was sour immediately, and two lines of tears flowed down.

"Primary 4, you have a good time watching the gate, or stay outside and watch the gate."

Shen Ning's voice came coldly from behind the door.

Xiao Si felt a cold in his heart, rubbing his nose, staring dumbfounded at the big hole in the window paper. He was miserable in his heart, but said he would not dare to push the door in again.

Chasing the wind came over and said: "The queen's mother has something important to see the emperor, why do you push the three hindrance to prevent the queen's mother from going in? You look like you deserve it!"

Xiao Si glared at his gloating face, snorted, twisted his face away, and scolded: "Fool!"

"Who do you call a fool!" Chasing the wind, his face cold and his eyes cold.

"Who interfaces is a fool!"

"Primary four, don't think that my brother and I will have a fight, you won't teach you anything, if you dare to scold me again ..." Zhaifeng raised his fist coldly.

Primary 4 didn't look at him, went to the steps and sat down, but sighed sadly.

"It's over, the queen's empress goes in. It's imperative to make a big deal now, what should be done later."

Chasing the wind was baffling, and couldn't help but walked to him and asked, "Primary 4, what are you muttering about?"

"You idiot knows what!" Xiao Si scolded angrily: "If you hadn't been harassing me just now, I would definitely stop the empress queen, now ... when it's over, the emperor must kill me!"

"Primary 4, you should make it clear that the empress should be happy to see the empress queen, how could he hit you?"

"Happy? The emperor is afraid that she can't even cry now, but she is still happy." Xiao Si sighed again: "Do you know who else in the Imperial Study Room besides the emperor?"

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