Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1226: Where is the enemy?

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Chasing the wind bowed to her, and said, "The Queen Mother, not the subordinate, but the subordinate feels ..."

He was trying to report to Shen Ning the strange feeling he had on the way. Suddenly his back was upright, and he instinctively realized the danger, and this dangerous spear was not Shen Ning, but himself!

Startled, he didn't have time to avoid it and immediately hit a roll on the ground, only to feel that a cold and abnormal thing flew past the tip of his nose, only an inch away, it was dangerous and dangerous.

It was a silent black cord without any fluctuations and omens, as long as he reacted a little slower, he must take a whip on his face.

He hadn't climbed up from the ground yet, and two black cords hit him from front to back, one stretched straight like a judge's pen, straight to the big hole in his chest, and the other wrapped around his waist with nothing.

This moment made him very embarrassed. In a critical situation, he was so anxious and wise that he shook the black cord on his chest with one palm, and pulled out the black cord wrapped around his waist with the other hand. Jumping high into the air.

He was in the air, and finally escaped the continuous attack of Hesso, and looked down with his eyes wide open, to see where the master came from and embarrassed himself.

Anyone knows that at first glance, there is no one but Shen Ning and Gu Qingze under the yard.

The three black cords that raided him disappeared without a trace.

"Huh? What about people?"

Chasing the wind was shocked, and could hardly believe himself and his eyes. Even the best player could not escape his sight in the blink of an eye.

He fell from the air and couldn't help but grab the back of his head and looked at Shen Ning.

"Queen empress, where did the enemy go?"

"The enemy? What enemy?" Shen Ning blinked.

Of course, she knew that the black rope that attacked the wind chasing was Gu Qingze's organ in the chair, but the speed was so fast that she barely saw what was going on.

"Just now there were three black cords attacking their subordinates, why did they disappear all at once?" Chau Feng searched around and found nothing, then returned to Shen Ning.

"Queen empress, are you okay?"

Shen Ning shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

Chasing the wind was more vigilant in his heart and said, "The Queen Mother, there are enemies on your side, and your subordinates will send you back to the palace. The masters in the palace are like clouds, and they will certainly protect your completeness."

Gu Qingze sneered: "You finally admit that you are useless?"

Chasing the wind respected him very much, and dared not collide with words. He still reverently replied: "There are days outside, there are people outside, there are many masters in this world who are better than my kung fu.

Gu Qingze looked at him coldly: "Well, even if you still have a little self-knowledge, I just tried you a little bit, you can't even hide my organs and hidden weapons, why can't you say that you can protect Shen girl Safety?"


Chasing the wind's eyes widened at once, and looked at Gu Qingze in disbelief: "Ancient God Doctor, you said that the black cord just now was issued by you? Isn't it the enemy?"

"Good." Gu Qingze raised his chin proudly.

"..." Chasing the wind was immediately speechless.

His face was hot and he looked down with shame.

Gu Qingze can't martial arts, so the pursuit of the wind has never thought that this ancient Qingze, who is too lazy to even go to the extreme road, can actually just move his finger and almost kill his life.

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